A change of direction

I started out playing country and ā€œold timeyā€ church music with my father-in-law and his brother, it got me good at chord changes but I grew bored of the old 3 chord songs so I started learning tab on classic rock songs. Played pretty much only that, but being not much of a singer I got into bluesy rock , delta blues type stuff. Havenā€™t looked back, can be challenging but thatā€™s how you grow. I started on some cheap acoustics but over time I got to buy a new Gibson Songwriter to go with '65 Gibson ES 125 that was my dads. Iā€™ve been with Justin a long time, doesnā€™t get any better.
I think itā€™s part of the growing your doing now, itā€™s a whole different animal to me going from an electric to acoustic, but acoustics can play anything, with easy alterations if you want. Keep at it!


I did not have much of a plan at all. Orā€¦ i started on acoustic because that was what i had laying aroundā€¦ was thinking i could start with what i had and jump over to electric and start learning and playing the music i really likedā€¦ Rock, metal and grunge.
Turned out that i really loved the acoustic musicā€¦ and even more strangeā€¦ i really enjoyed to sing as well, and that was never part of my guitar plans at allā€¦

I am now at a point where im trying to play more electric guitar, and picking up on courses and be more focused on learning new things. but now i dont feel like playing what i had in mind from the start, i much rather want to learn how to play some bluesey stuff on itā€¦ guess Music is a constant moving and elvolving strange thing. One thing is for sure thoughā€¦ i will never stop playing acoustic, i find it much more suited for playing and singing. Want to master both, not one or another :grin:


I had this same discovery and it sounds like we were similar levels of perplexed/surprised about it! Whatever my original plan, as long as itā€™s fun, Iā€™ll keep on with it!

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Nice thread! When I started, I didnā€˜t have a single goal and still donā€˜t have one. I started on an acoustic guitar, as I was told, starting on acoustic would never hurt, so I bought one to lay out the basics and to switch to electric at a certain point but as soon as possible. Acoustic guitar should just be a vehicle to bridge the path to electric. When starting Justinā€˜s lessons, I was very pleased to see, that playing one sort of guitar doesnā€˜t certainly mean to forego the other, even at beginnerā€™s level, so I decided to learn on both.
What I didnā€˜t expect at all was, that I really learned to love my acoustic guitar(s). Over the time I discovered the versatility of this instrument and I really love that. I wasnā€˜t aware, that it offers so much potential. Iā€™m fascinated about the ā€žone man (woman) - one instrument thingā€œ, being able to forget all the other stuff, all technical equipment, just the guitar and me. I also learned, that there is a certain discrepancy between the music on my playlist and the music I love to play on guitar. Iā€˜m surprised about myself to get a connection to fingerstyle f. ex., I never expected, that a schmaltzy Elvis ballad, played fingerstyle can give me such an ease of mind :blush:.
I planned to go into a direction, where I donā€˜t need to sing, but I discovered very early, how fulfilling singing can be, even, when you are not a great singer. I just donā€˜t care about that any more. I discovered, that singing in my individual range doesnā€˜t kill others, so I went on. Singing has become a real guideline when exploring songs on guitar and itā€˜s mega relaxing anyway.
My ambitions on electric have changed a lot since the beginning, where it was about learning to play some well known rock tunes or even solos in the future. I had fun with power chords, but wasnā€˜t as thrilled as expected to play them over backing tracks. So I currently have them on my ā€žlater again listā€œ.
Currently Iā€˜m more fascinated about the Blues road, so I plan to dive in as soon as possible.
Iā€˜m very thankful, that the Beginnerā€˜s Course lets us explore lots off different styles and techniques and although it may slow down my progress compared to concentrating on a certain direction, I still enjoy to try out everything.
Only one direction should be clear at every point in my journey: having fun and enjoying the process :partying_face: :blush:!


Completely agree with this. I think in the past Iā€™d have looked at the beginners course and decided it wasnā€™t ā€œmetal enoughā€ for me but thankfully I didnā€™t this time.

I also agree with you about the simplicity of an acoustic guitar. Iā€™ve simplified my electric setup down to the amp plus wireless transmitter/receiver (so I can sit on the sofa without a long cable) but it still doesnā€™t match just needing an acoustic guitar. I love to hear a loud distorted guitar sound and always will but thatā€™s not realistic for me any time soon