Ohmygato - August 2022 - "All The Pretty Horses", Traditional

Hello All,

I haven’t posted for a while but have been practicing pretty much daily and slowly making my way through Grade 2. I thought you might like hearing my attempt at “All The Pretty Horses”, a beautiful lullaby done Calexico style. I hope you enjoy it.

There are some issues with single string accuracy and phrasing here and there. I also think my voice recording sounds a little lifeless. Maybe back off the mic a bit to try to capture more of the room sound?



Hey Dan, that was really good. You play very well and have a really nice voice. Beyond my play grade to give feedback on the technical side of things. As you said its a lullaby and you sing it with the emotion that I’d expect from a father singing to his baby. Looking back at your previous recordings you really put your heart and soul into it and thats a very big positive. Keep up the good work. You’re doing really well.

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I quite enjoyed it. Your vocals are good also.

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Hi Dan,
The rhythm guitar, the individual notes picking and the vocals with it …and you slowly go through grade 2 ???,…man this is pretty good and I see things that should be far into grade3 sound,
So, :clap: :sunglasses: :bouquet: :man_bowing:

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Thanks everyone. I do a fair amount of transcribing besides the JustinGuitar material and I think that helps supplement my learning quite a bit as I can hear the importance of learning certain skills. This song is one that I heard Calexico do a while ago and upon hearing it again I figured I could give it a try at least.

That was really good playing and singing Dan. Some great picking there as well. Way to nail a song.

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Hello Dan, I liked that a lot. Not a song that I know but your singing and playing sounded great. I’d like to ask if you are doing the song in the key it was recorded by Calexico in? There is one place in the melody where the pitch seems very low for you. I Wondered if you capoed a semitone higher up the neck it might ease that. Just a suggestion. You may be working at doing the song in that key. I know I often try to challenge my voice that way.

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I’m glad you noticed that. I actually think I can hit the lowest notes of the song (I believe the sung word “Blacks” is the lowest note) but for some reason I have a little trouble with the intervals in this song. I do wonder though if capoing would still help. And yes, I did it in the same key Calexico did.


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Lovely performance - the solo part with the triads and the picking was so smoothly integrated - excellent. Enjoyed the groove as well!


Hi Dan,
I am enjoying your recording.
Very well done.
Keep up the great work!

Hi, Dan. I very much enjoyed your performance. I appreciate your comment about transcribing. I’m a big advocate of transcribing to help your playing. One can learn a bunch from listening to a song and picking out the different parts, not only what’s being played but how someone is playing it. It also helped me with learning the fretboard.

@andyPlays @ReneAsologuitar @oldhead49
Thanks all and sorry for the delay in my reply. I was checking out Justin’s “Sound of Silence” last night and realized I need to get back to work on finishing up my Grade 2. Thanks for the further inspiration.

I personally enjoyed it. :slight_smile: