Alternate Picking C Major


You are not alone, I’ve watched every video 100 times. I struggle with everything.
I think It’s one of those things like strumming you just need to get it automated.

What worked for me is doing the exercises that Justin recommends. Record yourself it helps even if you don’t share you will see progress.

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I’ve been doing this as well, but I’m fearing that I wasn’t supposed to. Back when I learned the Cmajor scale, I have always used the “economy” picking (no idea that was a thing). This was because I had a school guitar course and playing with friends and more things like, I’ve picked up the habit to pick “alternatively” but not the way Justin taught it. So I’m now concerned as to will this affect my playing? Was I supposed to use all down strokes? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.

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I dont quiet remember which video was it when justin mentioned why we should angle the hand when playing the scales when we go higher, does anyone remember which video was it?

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@cptnobeard Hi Kristjan, welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. To add to the reply from @judi, to extend the diagram she posted, look at this:

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