Am I Supposed to be Posting New Topics?

The only other profile I see posting topics here is the administrator.

You can post new topic but post them in the right Section.
For instance you just posted a question under “Learning Your first guitar riff” that should be in #new-community-issues-and-questions. Don’t worry about it one of the mods will move it.

If you have a question about a lesson you can post in the Discussion area on the lesson page which links to the community or you can find the lesson in the community. It’s easier to post under the lesson on the main website.

If you click on the hamburger menu beside your avatar and click on Latest you’ll see all the threads started by members. Feel free to join any of the conversions.


Levi, there are many Topics posted in this Category. Not sure where you are looking that you say you are the only poster other than Administrator.

In addition to @stitch’s suggestion, when you land on the Community Home Page,, then you will see this screen:

You can always return to this page by clicking on JustinGuitar Community on the top left. Mine is configured to display the Latest posts. You can also use Categories to identify a specific Category and review just Topics on the Catregory and any Sub-categories.

If you are ever uncertain where to post a Topic feel free to @mention me and I’ll assist. As @stitch said, we Mods do move Topics when necessary but there are many posts made on a daily basis and we do miss things.

Hope that helps you to navigate more effectively.

David - I moved it from a category with only lesson specific topics. :slight_smile:

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