Amps recommended in Oz



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Thanks for the video, very interesting! :+1:

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You have good insight Bret.
The times (tech) have changed so much since the advent of computers. So many more bells and whistles than when I started playing.

fwiw, many years ago, I thought I wanted to play with more distortion. Then I quit playing for 20 or so years. When I picked it back up. I thought I wanted to play with more distortion.
What I came to realize was that for me, all I was doing was covering up my errors with amp noise (distortion). Any other effects do for that matter. I got my Supro to get said overdrive.
Then, the more I played, the more I wanted to do a song better. Since I was covering up my errors w/ overdrive. I started scaling it back to near no overdrive. When I learn a song, I generally do so w/o effects. If effects are necessary in the end, I can add them in ā€˜afterā€™ I learn the song.

Much discussion about how to control these new modern amps in this thread. Hook up this to that etc.
I keep my recording as simple as I can (since I generally feel Iā€™m tech challenged). Since my amps are just plain amps (minimal to no connectivity to a computer capabilities), I get my amp to sound like I want it to. Then put a mic in ft. of the amp. Thatā€™s my connection to the audio interface. A mic. My tones come out like I want generally. I do minor mods in the daw to fine hone my tones of my guitar (eq generally) or my vocals, especially since my vocals to me leave a lot to be desired. So Iā€™ll cover the vocals up with reverb or somethingā€¦

For sure, do that. Heā€™s a teacher, I am not. Just keep in mind that there are many options. Teachings are a learning process and we all learn and like things a bit different sometimes.
What Iā€™ve described is some of how my feelings on amps has progressed. I doubt my notions are either right or wrong. Just different that what many others have to say.

PS, while I donā€™t have a looper. If I did, Iā€™d put in line with my amp. If I recorded using the looper, it would become part of the recording via the micā€¦ :wink:

Ya canā€™t go wrong with whatever ya getā€¦
Unless ya get a peavey audition 20 amp. That amp sounds pretty poorly. I had one and disliked it so much I gave it away. Fortunately that amp is past obsolete so hopefully ya wonā€™t get the chance to get that oneā€¦

Keep in mind. Youā€™ll sound like your amp.
Ya get a great amp and a crummy guitar, your tones will likely sound good. Ya get a great guitar and a crummy amp, your great guitar will not sound so greatā€¦ My old audition 20 is proof of this comment imho. Not that I got great guitars either.
Just more food for thoughtā€¦

Keep on jammin and having funā€¦

So the first part of my upgrades are purchased and here.

Managed to get the looper for $150 cheaper and the AMP for Half priceā€¦

Super happy, now how do I play them :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow the shearan looper how is it?

Gratz on the Katana also, gen 2?

haha. Donā€™t know yet, I Donā€™t have enough cables to plug it in :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll grab some this week and play with it.

Katana is 100 mk 2 yesā€¦

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