Artificial Intelligence ... AI, AI, AIEEEE…! 😮

Having been cited as a forum member who has and still does use AI, I think I should explain why I have used it, and my opinions on its use.
I get it 100% why some people have extreme views about it, they perceive it as a replacement for human artists - which I agree with, but they don’t accept that it can just be used as a tool to enable some parts of creativity that some individuals wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. As regards monetisation for AI produced music, I am 100% against that - I only accept it if it’s used as a tool to expand knowledge and be used for something the individual can not do as a part of their own work.
AI isn’t going away, it’s going to get better and better because it’s self learning, the latest App I’m using is almost indistinguishable from the real artists, this is why I understand peoples concerns and extreme views about it.
I have researched why my AI content was taken down, it’s because the AI App Suno were sued for use of artists vocal characteristics use in their software, this is why I removed all of my content except what I have done myself. I stuck to Suno’s rules regarding credits to them so couldn’t understand why I was targeted. I also am not posting anything on here anymore that contains any AI assistance, if people feel so strongly about it I won’t post anything AI at all.

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Over a century ago, Marcel Duchamp found a urinal and declared it a piece of art. It caused outrage at the time. Now it’s exhibited in the Liverpool Tate Museum, and I love it.
Rogier mentioned above that nature does not create art, and I believe he’s correct. Art is what humans perceive as such (either the artist or the viewer). There is no reason why someone can not find the art in something generated by a computer. Richard did, until he discovered the source. (and don’t forget there was someone behind this project who dreamt up the kinda cool idea of wondering what Led Zep songs would sound like in 50/60s style)

AI is simply a technology. It’s neither good nor bad. It’s simply how humans choose to use it.
The question of how large companies are developing it (and I for one don’t like it) is beyond the scope of our community, but we do have to make decisions on how we deal with it here.
I repeat

Do we muddle on as we are, with the ‘problem’ growing?
Until the JG team decides upon a path, I think we should expect members to declare when they are sharing content that contains AI. If they don’t, it’s reasonable for other members to point this out (politely).

Now that you say it again, Rick, I see that you were right all along.
Sorry if I caused any offense.

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That’s exactly my opinion, provided people openly say they have used it and what for and why I don’t accept that there is an issue - it should be taken for what it is.

I think this is exactly right, it gets more messy in a professional environment when money is changing hands (and all of the AI training material was stolen).

Primarily this is a guitar learning forum (with a little bit of social stuff on the side) and as such if people do something with AI to deceive people then I don’t see what the payoff is around here - and if you’re exposed as a fraud then you might get run out of town. The primary fodder here is people sharing video of them playing guitar but generally only at a beginner / intermediate level and I don’t see why anyone would use AI to create that.

And people, please be nice to each other - if we fight among ourselves, that’s how the robots win!!!


I suppose I’d also add that given the target audience here is people putting in the effort to learn a musical instrument then it’s not surprising that the general consensus isn’t favour of AI.

I’m not against some AI content if it’s flagged as AI (rather than just trying to fool people because that’s pathetic) and if there’s something that can be learned from it. I don’t think all posts about AI should be banned as that will get messy and difficult for the moderators. If someone is filling the forums with a load of AI content then that’s probably different and perhaps they should be told (politely) they’re in the wrong place. After all if the forum is full of non-human content then the humans will leave.

The whole situation is messy. For example, I’m against AI except when it helps me (and I wonder how many others will admit to this). I use Moises, which I have to assume was trained on songs they don’t explicitly own rights to do so, and is a paid app but it’s helping me to learn to play guitar. I’m still doing the playing, I’m watching YouTube lessons to learn the basics of songs, but the app helps me apply what I’ve learnt to the recorded version of the song. I’m still developing my ear while I do this but it’s definitely getting me over a hurdle and helping me enjoy my guitar playing as I can play along with songs I enjoy


I’m not sure I could handle hitting the strings and hearing:
“Heeeyyyy, How ya’ doin’? Justin here…” in Amin :rofl:


It has taken me really long to decide whether I should even try to join the discussion… But since, I hope, I have as much right to express my opinion as the next person, I’ll do it but will make myself brief. So, here it is:
To me AI = Abandon Integrity + Authors Ignored + Attract Investors + Accumulate Income

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Absolutely! :smiley:
Sometimes the loudest of us should learn to be a little more quiet :laughing:
Out of curiosity, do you have strong feelings against other members using AI as part of their music making process?

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No, as long as the fact is clearly mentioned in their comment.
I myself would never do it. I’m not interested in any contacts with AI; luckily, being retired, I won’t be forced to use AI in the course of my duties as an employee.

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Hehe, I hope AI will not be interested in contacts with you! :wink:
Good luck! :smiley:

I hope you are right, but honestly, I think AI will heavily be used, if not already. This one is really interesting - if artist / companies don’t have to declare if they used AI, why do we think the most recent music is not already AI generated, at least to some extent?

Yeah, you may well be right.

We’re largely a bunch of old dogs here in this community and while we can discuss these things, we won’t make any difference. We can only really watch and see what happens.

If Justin and his like can reach the young and help them become musicians, then maybe real music can make a comeback against AI.

New genres usually come about because the young want something different. Can AI second guess what they want or is it only musicians that can do that?…in which case, AI can only play catch-up.

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The algorithms know … is that more AI at work?

This news article popped up on my social media feed today.


Hehe, we all know the giant tech companies are ‘evil’ :smiling_imp:
My question is:
Should I stop using AI in the Community? :thinking:
(making music videos, using Moises, or even sharing material that has AI content?)

These policy decisions need to pass through various layers of committee and subcommittee and then executive board meeting etc.
Humans are involved.
The answers may not come as swiftly as an AI generated response. :wink:


There is more (and better) ‘real music’ available these days than there ever has been, and it will continue to grow, no matter what tech and commerce do :smiley:
Tbh. I’m not really that bothered what music gets played on mainstream radio or supermarkets. Algorithms (or ‘suggestions’) on music platforms are great for consumers who don’t want to spend time finding things they like for themselves. You don’t have to follow them.
At our little weekly OM I’d say about half of the songs played are originals.
Even though most of us are beginners here, many of us still enjoy trying to be creative/unique in our music making :smiley:



People flock to music festivals because they want live music. I can’t see them flocking if there’s just speakers on the stage!

Your local OM sounds great.
What about age? Are there youngsters there performing and/or wanting live music to watch and listen to and be part of the vibe?

Well, I was at a festival recently where one of the headline acts was a famous “DJ” who, basically, Dad-danced behind a desk to mostly pre-programmed playlists injected with the occasional manually triggered sample, and many of the crowd thought it was “amazing”.




I thought this thread would be a good place to post this warning to anyone out there who produces their own music and pushes out to the streaming services using services like Tunecore.

This is a short (less than 3 minute) PSA about the scams these companies are running.




Hehe, wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.
It also wouldn’t surprise me to discover that if global corporations were to never pay a cent for anyone’s music ever again, the good folk of our Community might not even be a dollar out of pocket… :thinking:

I was at a Laurie Anderson gig last month, and in one segment of the show, she hooked up with a university in Canada which provided real-time visual collages portraying the content morphing to whatever she was talking about. It’s still a bit clunky, but the curve is steep :open_mouth:

… and I think this falls more under ‘high-powered computing’ rather than AI, but I recently heard a radio spot on how someone connected ‘Google-glasses’ to a database he bought from Meta, which recognises the face of whoever you look at and tells you all their publicly available information (name, work, where they live, interests, family members etc.)
Be careful out there, friends :rofl: