Attending open mic for the first time

:champagne: :champagne: :champagne:

Bravo, Trond, delighted you had such a positive experience.

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That was great to read Trond and I’m so happy for you, especially that fact that you got such a buzz from it.

Sounds very cool that the house band joined you.

Here to more in 2024.

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Great Trond…

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Fantastic, Trond :star_struck:. I’m so happy for you that everything went so well :smiley:. Congratulations :champagne::partying_face::clap:!!

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Congratulations You Rock

Sounds like a wonderful experiences ! The venue certainly seems well set up with an understanding sound guy but so cool that others were happy to join in with you and play along. I would its not only a great adrenaline rush but a real confidence booster.
A huge well done sir.


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Congratulations, my friend :smiley:
You won’t go far wrong if you keep it authentic and are just your (I nearly said ‘normal’) self :laughing:

Send me some audio and I’ll jimmy up a deep fake :wink:


Congratulations Trond, sounds brilliant. Really great to read the post on your experience. :tada::clap::clap::clap:

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Happy to hear you had a great experience. Playing with other musicians is always a blast.

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Pleased it went well Trond. I have found with any performance, nerves, adrenaline rush, call it what you will, they will visit and turn your tummy to flutterbyes. It happens and you will get used to it, but experience shows it does not go away. Look forward to the next live performance and this time with video if possible.

Thanks Mal!
Nope… i dont really think the nerves will go away completly. Dont think it should either, some of that feeling is part of the fun.
I dont think i will ever be really happy with my performance either i have uptil now never put anything out there that i am truly 100% happy about. Have a sneaky suspission that it will never happen either…

Hope to get confident enough to play without the need of lyrics beside me, dont use them much but without them would mean trouble.
Im not done with the song i played first with help from the band. I plan to brush that up with some help from them at some point. And will for sure not forget to record it then :grin:

Happy X-mas by the way! :grin:

Sounds like a totally fantastic time. Getting feedback from more experienced players is priceless…

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Hahahaha!!! Thanks Brian :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Trond, I do not think 100% is achievable, we musicians are much to demanding on ourselves. That, for me is a good thing, we never stop learning.
Having lyrics before us is a good thing for me, age is a factor here, and memory does have tricks in store.
Look forward to seeing you at your next gig.

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Nice one Trond. It sounded like a great experience! Well done and thanks for sharing the details. :sunglasses:

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Well done mate! Sounds like it was a fantastic experience! :sunglasses:

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Hey Trond, congratulations!!

Sounds like the experience was a wholly positive one. It’s amazing the rush one can get from performing in front of people. The best part about putting yourself in those situations, in my experience, is that you learn a lot and the learning you do in those situations tends to stay with you in a way that it doesn’t in practice sessions.

Super happy you enjoyed it and will be doing it again. . .everything has its ups and downs but it will only get better if you keep at it.

Have a great holiday season!!!

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Hi Trond, enjoyed reading your experience, some good tips in there. I have noticed the mic thing also, I use a condenser mic at home and it is a very different experience with the dynamic mic used at these live events. Hope you keep going back.

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