Bass Basics

Ha just found it in that includes About That Bass.
I have now bookmarked !

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Cheers Richard - I’ll check them out.

I need you to introduce your missus to my missus :rofl:

cheers James (and Toby) these look ideal!

It’s been a while Matt, like not in this century. Short scale sounds intriguing.


Here you go short scale at a good price!


HI Paul ! Squire is good. Some years production are better than others. Mexican Fenders are good to me too. I would not go for Chinese Fender . I’m selling my Mexican Fender Pbass (660$ us = 900$ can). Had an offer for a higher level instrument I couldn’t refuse… So I’m selling this bass. Maybe it gives you a price range idea. Good day Paul.

Thanks Luc - but I didn’t hang around on this one.
I’ve got two rules for buying guitars - buy secondhand and play before you buy.
I broke my first rule on this one, but it was only £149, and to be honest I am stunned with what you get for that. It’s an Eastcoast.

It plays really well for the money, I’ll probably tweak the set up in time, but it is not in urgent need.


Happy NBD Paul, liking that and a good bargain!

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Cheers Toby - got to learn to play it now :slight_smile:

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Hi Paul,
Happy NBGD :sunglasses: :partying_face:

Nice one :smiley:


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Tell me about it !! :scream:

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It’s a nice one, I hope you’ll have a lot of fun with it. I’m 2 weeks in on my bass journey and so far I really like it.