Beginner's Safe Space 2022

Awesome David,

I am glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I am excited to carry on with all the helpful advice I’ve received.

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Thanks Jason!

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Thanks James!

Haha, I find myself talking to Justin through out the lessons. Some might find that crazy…
I appreciate the feedback and I’m focusing on the tips I’ve been getting.


I recorded this really quick, i wanted to post a video in this community to stick with my promise to post a video this same week.

Now i’m looking forward to post in the future my full songs with backing tracks for the graduation from Grade 2 (and maybe recorded in Logic because the audio from the phone it’s not sounding that good, but i need to see how much time that will take, i need to manage my time).

I can’t wait to begin Grade 3, but i’m following Justin’s advices to the heart, and i will continue with my consolidation.


Well that’s a debut and a half there Alessandro!! Fabulous playing and mix of fingerstyle and strumming at a quick tempo!
Bravo, can’t wait for your next :clap: :clap: :+1:


We’ll done. Sounded awesome. :+1: :+1: lilnamida


Great debut RJ. Good to have cracked singing and playing together, took me years.


Really well played, you are well on your way with the consolidation.


Hi RJ,
Congratulations on your first video :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap:,…and what a .it was a pleasure to listen and watch,…you are beaming :star_struck:,…a lot was good ,and I hear something in your voice what if that trained well let lead you to really great things …keep on going :sunglasses:


Hi Alessandro,
Wow,…What an entrance… :sunglasses: :partying_face: :clap:.I hope you’re confident enough now to step out of this extra protective environment,(but only if you feel comfortable ofcourse)…what a great first video,.,…Looking forward to your next one :smiley:


Thank you Rogier!

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Thanks Trevor!

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@Notter @JasonBuk @skinnyt @roger_holland thank you very much!

Do you think that for my consolidation it will be wiser posting in this section one song per time, or the same but within a learning log?

I don’t want to spam, but i need to be listened so i could have constructive criticism in order to chose if the song that i will cover will be good enough to pass the test for grade 2.

Thank you for listening and remembering my name!

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That’s awesome, it sounds simply amazing :clap::clap::clap::blush::star_struck::heart_eyes:


With this playing Alessandro you are definitely way beyond Grade 1, mate that was really good! Keep posting in whatever form you wish, if you go for full songs I suggest separate posts in AVOYP section, if they half as good as this recording you are more than ready to post it there :wink: all the best!


@Silvia80 grazie Silvia :heart:

@adi_mrok thank you, i’m glad that you liked! I ended Grade 2 by the way, i’m consolidating it by nailing on a performance level 10 songs. When i was at the end of grade 1, i wasn’t able to do fingerstyle yet :slight_smile:

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My mind plays tricks and saw Grade 1, in that case it makes more sense and by all means is not taking away from your recording, you did a stellar job!


Hi Alessandro, I agree with @adi_mrok 100%. For where you’re at I would bite the bullet, so to speak, and post separately in the AVOYP section. You’ll not get anything that’s not constructive as feedback anyway and, being in Grade 2 consolidation myself, I would completely recommend it.


@lilnamida Alessandro, that was exceptionally well played. Bravo on a first recording shared (at least first I recall but may be forgetful).

I’d agree with those suggestions already made that you post your recordings in their own Topic in #record-yourself-progress-performance:audio-video-of-you-playing based on the quality of your play. No reason for you not to post that way. This Topic is really for Beginners who may feel a little uncomfortable as they are starting to sharing recordings to share in that way.

And don’t worry about Spam. Share recordings of all the songs learned as part of your consolidation. If you reach the point of wanting to post multiple recordings 8 days a week then maybe need to slow it down :grin:

I’m curious as to the reason for the capo. I see you have changed the chord shapes from the usual chords used but based on your play in this recording I’d imagine you can play the song with open chords?

I also suggest you look at your phone and find the mirror/flip setting in the video config settings. I think you are right-handed based on the writing on the headstock. Not a big deal, just a little detail.

Look forward to your next.


@lilnamida re: Hallelujah

Cool and well played.
You were in a good flow with the rhythmic finger / strum work on that.
Time to migrate to AVOYP or your own space in a learning log.
go for it.

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