Beginner's Safe Space 2022


Howard, I’d say by all means continue with Grade 2. And as you do so, I suggest you continue to make time to play songs that make use of all you’ve learned in grade 1, to continue to embed and improve.

I thought your chrod fretting and changes looked good. Where I think you need to focus as you continue is on the strumming, specifically to develop a smooth, continuous down and up motion. I noticed brief pauses at various points, similarly with the foot tapping, which was more or less prevalent at different moments in the song.

It will be worthwhile to spend time working on that with a metronome, working to keep the foot tapping on the beat and the hand moving down and up continuously, playing the pattern you are using in the song.

May also help to clean up the guitar tone a little bit when practicing and playing along to hear your playing more clearly.

You have made excellent progress and are well on track, keep up the learning, practice, and song-playing.


Thumbs up for sharing Howard! Some great tips already from Richard and David. Ready to move on to grade 2 IMHO, while working on all those tips.


Thanks so much for such an in-depth critique! I actually wear the strap specifically to help fight my slouching. I still slouch, but slack in the strap alerts me to straighten up a bit.

I had no idea I was holding the guitar too far back, but I believe it is because I’m so focused on hitting my chords. I’m also very aware of the pauses in my strumming. I practice old faithful with a metronome and focus on my strumming hand, but I lose that focus when I try to play a song — again because I’m so focused on my chord changes.

Hearing all this really helps me understand what I need to work on rather than letting myself get frustrated. I appreciate it!


As I was recording this, I was thinking, “someone is going to point out my inconsistent foot tapping.” :upside_down_face:

Thank you. As I replied to Richard, I’m aware of my rhythm problems, but hearing it from you guys really puts it into perspective. My strumming is a little better when I’m ONLY working on strumming. I need to work on consolidating fretting/strumming, which is where more song practice comes in.


Hi Howard,
Oooo, what super extensive advice and tips :sweat_smile:,…and nice to read how you pick it up,…I can only confirm that with good vibes,…great job, keep playing and asking questions :sunglasses: :clap:


I thought that was pretty good, chord changes clean. As has been said the strumming needs a bit of work, there is a slight pause sometimes when you change chords. Someone pointed out to me that I had this issue and its a pig to sort out if you have been doing it for a while.

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@hobart You have mail.

Close to the end of grade 1 there’s 2 modules with songs from the older version of the App which im trying here. I understand now why people are super critical about themselves when posting lol. I can honestly say, I don’t like what I hear. More work needed for these 2. 1 slow and another quite a bit faster.

I had an L.E.D lamp on but I think next time I’ll more than 30% illumination, sorry about how dark they are, lots of new things happening for this. :thinking:
Anyway I’m sure you all seen first vids before, do what you do.



Hi Rachel,…
This is a big step, :sunglasses: :clap:…this is the way to grow faster,…Your video is many times better than my first video (hidden far away in my LL)…so applause for what you have done, good that you are critical because that is an important part of the learning process,…but stay positive and see the good :sunglasses: :partying_face:


Bravo, Rachel, a big step to record and share but a good one that will serve you well as you continue on and into Grade 2.

You are doing well, making good progress. I noticed quite a difference in the strumming between the two. You did well in Sing, keeping the hand moving and foot-talling on the beat. More little pauses in Get Lucky. I’d suggest you keep building on the steady motion in Sing, perhaps adding some additional down strums and up strums, but keeping that key idea of the continuous motion, no pauses.

Well done, keep at it.


Congrats @Libitina for posting the videos of yourself playing online. Always a big first step. You’ve discovered that lighting is super important for videos :grinning:.

Your chord changes look quite good. You’re doing lots of changes without looking, and mostly getting them right straight away. So that’s pretty good.

You said you don’t like what you hear. I think there are two areas that will make a big difference.

The first, like @DavidP mentioned, is strumming. Getting your strumming fluid and even just applying “old faithful” as a default to those songs will make a big difference. Sing, in particular though, has a quite quick 16th note strumming pattern, and it’s a rhythm-based song, so it’s hard to make it sound just like the original without getting really good at strumming and rhythm. Having said that though - I’d double down on going for the old faithful strumming pattern for now.

Another thing to consider is your guitar tone, You’re playing an electric unamped (a 339 from the looks of it?), even if a hollowbody that’s never going to sound great. Plug it into an amp or an amp sim, add some reverb, and it will instantly sound 10x better.


Great step to post videos of yourself, well done for that. Chords sounded clean but there seemed to be slight pauses in the strumming when you change chords, keep your strumming hand moving to the beat and the fretting hand will eventually catch up.

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@roger_holland Thank you , I will stay positive , now over the hurdle of the first video lol, it can only go downhill from there lol, well, I hope not anyway. te he he.


Agreed, I think I’ll stay in grade 1 for now until grade1 is a little more up to par. I can’t remember the chords just yet but some of the songs just loop the chords, so not so hard. I’m working on the strumming I’ve just purchased and eventually I will try as you suggest and add that to the songs.
Another few weeks and revisit I feel.

@jkahn Lights, camera, action, excepts the lights were a little dim lol… Spot on with the ES 339, and unamped. I live in a flat with people Left,Right and Down but I’ll figure how to get around that :slight_smile: and try the reverb as you suggest. More to follow soon.


Will do, and thank you.




One good solution there is to play with an amp sim on the laptop. You can find simple free versions of many that run in a standalone mode ie you don’t need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). For this to work you need an AI (Audio Interface), a device to plug your guitar into that plugs into the laptop. Again many options at different price points.

Another option is a micro/headphone amp that plugs directly into your guitar.

In both those cases you’d need headphones to hear yourself playing.

That should take care of the need for a better sound playing the electric than the sound of the 339 unamplified.

The third option is a small amp such as a Blackstar Fly, that would allow listening without headphones and levels that hopefully would not be disturbing the neighbours.

Pros and cons to all of the above.

For recording purposes, you’d either need the small amp or the AI but maybe a cable from the micro amp headphone socket into the laptop headphone/mic socket would also work with the correct cable.

The small amp simplifies video recording as you’d do just what you did for these recordings.

But if that is too noisy then I’d then suggest using OBS (a software app for the laptop) to record the video, once you have the sound from the guitar playing through the laptop. I am assuming the uploaded videos were recorded using your phone. With OBS you could make use of the laptop’s built in camera, a USB webcam, or even connect your phone cam to OBS.

So lots of options, different price points. When you are ready feel free to post up more questions outlining what you want to be able to do and budget range and I am sure you’ll get many specific suggestions. You can post those questions in #gear-tools-talk:hardware-software-recroding


Great job finding courage to post not just one but 2 first videos. :clap:t3: Your guitar playing is off to a great start! I think you’re smart to work on consolidating your learnings from Level 1 for a bit longer. There’s no need to hurry. On the other hand, remember, you don’t have to have it all down perfectly to progress. I’m really impressed with how little you look at your hands at this point. I think I pretty much glued my eyes to my left hands for the first 9 months. I also like how you use your leg to help keep time. Feeling the rhythm will go a long way toward getting your strumming consistent.

I am a little concerned that you don’t seem to have much space at your desk.
I know you were setting up to record so this may not be your usual practice area. I realize space may be limited in general, but it’s important to feel relaxed and free to move. If your arms are restricted or cramped in any way, you might want to consider an arrangement that gives you a little more open space.

Anyway, you’ve learned quite a bit in a short time, and I really admire how you just jumped right in as an active member of this community. I look forward to hearing more from you! :star_struck: :guitar: :sunglasses::guitar:


Thanks @DonnatheDead , quite observant :slight_smile: , the space is very small but this is in hand although it may take a few months to get sorted. As fot not looking at my hand I think thats just 2 easy chords lol. Better things to follow and I will certainly be looking at my hands.



Rachel - that’s it, you’ve done it now. You’re an AVOYPer for real. Congrats and kudos for jumping in.
You’ve had good and useful advice which doesn’t need repeating.
Applause on top of applause never hurt though so have some of that!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Considering that this is only grade 1 this is truly impressive performance. Can’t wait how it will sound after completing grade 2 :slight_smile: .


Hello Radek, thanks a lot for your motivating words. They are very much appreciated :hugs:.
Working my way through grade 2 is my project for 2023. I deliberatly want to ‘go slow’ as there is so much more to learn than in grade 1.
So yes, we will see, how The Gambler will sound by the end of this year. I’ll keep in mind to post an update then :smiley:.


No need to rush things, it is better to enjoy this process slowly :slight_smile:.