Blackbird - Finally!

Awsome Jesse!
This is a difficult song to both play and sing. And you do both at the same time!!
Sounds good :grin:
As Travis said, this is a song you can refine rest of youre life. A cool song to have in youre songbook…
well done Jesse! Keep up the good job :grin:

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Yo did awesome on this song ,I would love to be at this level. How long did it take you to just learn to play the song before learning to play and sing ?

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Just goes to show dedication and practice works

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Yep totally agree on the need to keep the repertoire sharp. I have a system where I visit at least one of my “repertoire” songs every day so they get practiced on at least 2-3 times per month (a bit less frequently as the repertoire grows)

Thanks Jeff. I started working on it pretty early in my guitar journey so I had been playing about 7 months total when I started. That was a bit over 2 years ago :slight_smile: . If I remember correctly I wasn’t able to play it start to finish until about 7-8 months after I started but that is also a big reflection on where I was as a beginner player, and due to the fact that it was my “Stretch” song for a while so I didn’t necessarily focus on it every day.