Bravo, Andrés, congrats on a maiden share here in AVOYP.
I really enjoyed your rendition of Blowing. You played with good clean chords, smooth changes, steady rhythm and your vocal worked just fine for me. No issue here in singing songs your way.
I liked that you shared the practice videos to reflect the learning process. As you go forward you may want to start a Learning Log in #community-hub:learning-logs that can track your progress. The Learning Log is a great place to share the work-in-progress recordings to get feedback along the way, before sharing a final version of the song here when you are satisfied with your rendition.
Enjoyed the second Spanish song equally. I picked up three small points to reflect on in the playing of the barre chords (I noticed them as they are things I too have to work on).
Firstly, when playing E shape and the minor of the A shape barre chords, concentrate on keeping the pinky and ring fingers close together, ideally touching, to bring both as close to the fret wire as possible.
Secondly, it is a good idea to work on making the barre and then landing the other fingers to make the chord. The sequence will become simultaneous, or as near as, over time. The reason for this is that as you strum the bass note on the thickest string will be the first you touch, which is fretted by the index finger making the barre.
Thirdly, when you change from the E shape to the A shape I noticed the barring finger did not move. For the A shape the root note is on the A string and the E string is not played. We are taught to shift the index finger down a little to fret the note on the A string and use the tip of the index finger to mute the E string. You may perhaps change the angle of the index to achieve that result, not sure. Key is to play the bass note on the A string and ensure the E string is not heard.
Once again, congrats on the first share, sounded good, and look forward to following your progress and enjoying more shares here.