Brian Larsen - March 2022 - cover ... The Descendants of King Canute (Nephew) + Copenhagen (The Sods)

This musical thing that we all do is about having a good time, and you certainly had some fun with this one. Yeah, seeing you have a good time with songs that are completely obscure (at least to me) is one of my favorite things these days.

We listen to a lot of music here that we’ve heard many times before. The list is pretty long of shopworn covers (I’m as guilty as anyone). Always nice to have new musical influences and elements added to the forum’s musical mix. Well done!

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Don’t know why but this immediately made me think of Pretty Boy Floyd’s Leather Boyz with Electric Toyz album I used to listen to oh so many years ago.

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I thought that was pretty cool @brianlarsen, I’ve noticed you seem to do quirky videos with loads of talent.

Gotta ask though, punk without a pick? And you didn’t smash your guitar at the end?

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@sairfingers Cheers mate
I’m going to ‘type-cast’ myself if I’m not careful. I think this is where vow to go and finally learn the note-picking intro to Wish You Were Here to bring me back into the fold
I’m afraid I keep my fingernails chewed short, so it’s calluses on both hands :laughing:

Thanks for the compliment, but as a teenager ‘different’ is more important than ‘nice’
You have however, pushed all my linguistic pleasure-buttons with your Jengel-Stengel :rofl:

@batwoman Your Honour (or is that Ma’am/My Lady/My Worship?), I’m not sure you would have liked the juvenile version of me. I was an even more brash, insensitive version of the uncouth version you have acclimatised to.
You’d have given me hard time :wink:

@adi_mrok Good job it was punkishly short, eh? :laughing:
Ta for the vote of confidence, my friend.
Would the real Brian Larsen please stand up and give us a rap?
Not in this lifetime :wink:

@KevinKevan Muchas gracias!
I cannot believe I played the wrong guitar on this though.
My Scandinavian Hagström Viking would have been the obvious weapon of choice :smiley:

@CT Thanks man.
We’ve exchanged more views on the ‘meta’ of music than the technical playing of it, and I have enjoyed and benefitted much from your opinions.
Much appreciated :smiley:

Duh! Obviously, I’m a pretty boy :rofl:
(I’ll have to check them out. Thanks)

My inability to play with a pick is possibly the only chink in my otherwise flawless suit of guit-armour. Could I count that, along with omitting the obligatory axe-smashing, as my punky rebellious statement? :roll_eyes:


My wife is disappointed…but I still fear the day photos from my teenage years will appear “in full regalia”…that skull is originally an ashtray from that time…and in my ear and my neck was hanging a bit too…and my clothes well I’ll stop now…but I looked really very different from everyone at school and all my friends at the athletic club and in the neighborhood…I was really into my one…but strangely enough with a lot of friends :innocent:…I was sincerely a :angel:especially to older people in all weathers …with some strange features and crookedness.Apart from my clothes I haven’t changed a bit (and with wheels on it)…I listen to a lot of metal music…and happy for almost 25 years with the same girl…

Ha Ha, that’s what I was hoping :rofl:

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Hey Brian,
Welcome to the 3 chord club… It has been going around of late! It is amazing to me, just how many of these there are out there. Whoa… you hit massive whammy at the end. Now that is a variation mate!

I am afraid though, that at the end of the day this is a uh, a bit repetitive. With all your creativity I am sure you could find a way to spice it up a bit, but will you try? I will be waiting to hear if you go for it. Meanwhile, nice play and good tones! Good to see your smiling face and guitar singing once again!

All the rock’n best!

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Another slice of raw and simple enjoyment from Mr L.
This is a reason to learn guitar.
3-chord bashing on a blast from the past.

Your close up reveals (consciously?) a great study in the left-hand grip-release muting technique for barre chords played with overdrive Brian.

Did you know that Wilko Johnson’s famous Telecaster used to have a white scratchplate? He changed it to red to hide all the blood that poured from his fingers from his exuberant playing style. He always strummed with fingers, not a pick.

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Uh… That’s one of the points (I think)
Also a good reason to keep it to 2 1/2 minutes! :laughing:

You’re gonna love my next OM performance:
3 Chords, no bridge, no chorus, no dynamics but at least a full minute longer :rofl:
Thanks for the listen and comments, Bro.

Once again, you turn the spotlight on my laziness. I find that much easier than the palm muting. Not so useful though with all my cowboy chord tunes :laughing:
Oooh, that’s painful just to think about :grimacing:
I’m too much of an epicure to suffer for my art

You sound like a peachy vision of a hot rat en regalia :wink:

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That’s a “special” song from Zappa :upside_down_face: :joy:

I bet that’s what he tells all the ladies. :thinking: :grinning:

Great stuff again Brian but where do you find them?

Well that was a jolly Scandinavian jaunt. Does fall into the polite punk bracket, the hip hop made it feel laid back. Oooh and you like the new dive bar, dontcha ! :wink: Guess with the reference to Nordic 1%ers, the Franglais vote will be room 101% Mr L. Very delightful as ever.

Good stuff Brian, don’t care what the backing track was called, it works well!

Yeah, somehow I thought that was the point of the song, just by the way you said it. No big… it kind of grinds on one though… LOL

Is there a reason you are on a 3 chord song in plain vanilla fashion, kick? :slight_smile:

Either way, you are performing well and that is what counts… Even better when you enjoy what you do.

Keep rock’n,

Nice one Brian! Never heard of The Sods (not quite before my time, but only 2y old at the time :slight_smile: ), but “Sort Sol” is of course a different story! Great to see and hear you play!

Hey Brian, that was a great live performance from you, I don’t know the song, but what you did I really liked mate, and yes, the tremolo work was excellent! :slight_smile: :+1:
