Bridging Beginner to Intermediate Practice Routines

In response to Justin’s Tip 2: You Can’t Learn Everything, I have a (run-on) question:
Is taking JustinGuitar lessons and practicing acoustic and electric guitar almost every day for one to two hours since mid-December, 2022 on target to complete Grade 3 by the end of this December, learning and practicing bass guitar including online lessons almost every day for one to two hours for the last two years, doing online singing lessons for 1/2 hour a day for the last couple of months (thank you Justin for your “Master Song Practice & Learn to Sing” lesson), researching a potential home recording studio (thank you Justin for your “Record Yourself & Production Basics” lesson!) for the last few months (which I won’t implement in the near future), and organizing my guitar journey in an online visual workspace app (Walling) since the beginning of the year excessive? Am I spreading myself too thin? Oh, and I forgot to mention, I recently started doing some ear training using an app, Functional Ear Trainer (excellent) that I typically spend about 20 minutes a day on. Gotta love being retired and having an understanding wife!