šŸŽø BurnsRhythmā€™s Burning Ambitions

Yeah, I understand what youā€™re saying Tony.
When I compare the two positions, everything now feels a bit bunched up with the guitar on the right leg. The left leg position allows more freedom to move around the fretboard.

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Itā€™s certainly a journey to conquer, Silvia. Or at least try to conquer!
Little by little, we get nearerā€¦

Now donā€™t go getting all excited at my mention of Classical, I arenā€™t about to try to emulate you or Ana doodah!

Recordings? Nah, itā€™s not my thing. Iā€™m quite happy doing what Iā€™m doing and providing my own feedback. Iā€™m a lot more critical than most on this forum, but I can also hear the good things in my playingā€¦.occasionally! :wink:
Youā€™re welcome to come and see us when Iā€™m in a band playing live music. :smiley:

:guitar: Burning Ambitions


David @BurnsRhythm

As always your LL are interesting and you seem to give an honest view of where you are.

Your direction of travelling with transcribing and blues is heading off in a different direction to me but I guess this is in a way is what Justin anticipates at this stage.

Slightly surprised about changing how you hold the guitar, but if it works for you then go for it. Just wondering if you have tried playing standing up

Those of us who are or were 9 to 5ers donā€™t always appreciate how much your workload as a farmer varies with the seasons.


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Hi Michael @MAT1953

JG courses cover a wide range of styles and interest and they allow us to follow our own individual path.
I donā€™t have the time now and the years left to learn everything so it makes sense to narrow it down to what interests me.

I was a bit surprised at moving the guitar onto my left leg too because I dismissed that position a while back.
I always use the strap now and the guitar isnā€™t really sitting on my leg, itā€™s sitting on the strap. When I tried that on the right leg, the strap didnā€™t really do any good so I put it in a cupboard!
The old bones like a rest at the end of the day so I play mostly sitting - but now, if I stand, it plays just the same.

Seasons!!@?! The ground is very tender and sticky and yesterdayā€™s contracting work didnā€™t go well, taking twice as long as it should have !!@?! - donā€™t ask!!


Itā€™s a strange time right now.
My Dad died in mid June and I havenā€™t touched the guitar since.
I know Iā€™ll get back to it sometime but Iā€™ve lost my mojo for it. It doesnā€™t seem important at the moment.
Dad was 91 and itā€™s been hard watching him slowly fade into an old man. I donā€™t want to remember him like that. Iā€™d rather remember the influential figure he was.
He and Mum were married for 67 years. Sheā€™s 90 and not in the best of health, although sheā€™s coping very well with it all.
There are very few of their generation left now but despite that, the farming community of all generations came to pay their respects and filled the church to overflowing. It was hard to stand up and address them at the funeral, but somehow I got through it.

R.I.P Dad


Sorry to hear that David. Huge condolences.

When its time its time and the mojo will start flowing again. Somethings in life are more important than music or playing. Just take care.


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Sorry to hear that David. My condolences too.

The guitar will still be there when you want to pick it up again and we will all still be here to welcome you back when youā€™re ready. Taking care of yourself and your family is your number 1 priority right now.

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David @BurnsRhythm
Sorry to hear your sad news.
You are quite right to remember when he was in his prime and not in his last days.

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My deepest condolences, David, sorry for your loss.

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Thank you all for your support.
ā€˜Life goes onā€™ - and is doing.


Sorry to hear about the death of your dad, David, my condolences. There are times, when guitar and music are less important and I guess itā€™s pretty normal to put them aside for a while. Take your time to say good bye to your dad. Itā€™s always hard to see those loved ones to fade away and loosing their former abilities. But he will stay your dad with his full personality forever, because you keep him in your heart. All the best for you and your family!


Thanks for your kind words, Andrea.
Nobody lasts forever and Dadā€™s passing was becoming increasingly inevitable, so it was expected. Iā€™m okay though, we have a large family, including the wider family, who all pull together and also a huge rural community.

ā€˜The music of my lifeā€™ - thatā€™s always been a thing. The music is in me and my aim is to get some of it back outā€¦.so I know Iā€™ll get back to guitar.


Hi David - my most sincere condolences for the loss of your father. Itā€™s so difficult to lose those dear to us, even when theyā€™re passing is expected. I feel for you & your familyā€¦ especially your Mum. 67 years together is such a long time to have someone & Iā€™m sure she feels the loss in every moment of her days.
So sad.

My wife & I have both lost our parents & we find that although itā€™s very hard (we still cry over certain memories regularly), we find ourselves laughing about the good times we had together with them or childhood memories. Treasure those moments when you & your Dad shared special thingsā€¦ one of my wifeā€™s favorite memories of her father was when he held our firstborn in his arms the first time. This gruff man who didnā€™t smile very often, almost NEVER cried, standing with his granddaughter in his arms with a huge smile & tears streaming down his face!

Remember what you just saidā€¦ the music is in youā€¦ music surrounds us! Go into your fields at dusk, listen to the music of the Earthā€¦ birds singing, insects buzzing, your heart beating & if you ā€œhearā€ it all comes together as a beautiful songā€¦ then your wife calls you to come eat & you have the ā€œmusicā€ of family & love about you!

You say you love Blues - write a song about your Dad - it doesnā€™t have to be good enough for anyone else to hear, but youā€™ll share it in your heart with your father. Itā€™ll bring you back to the guitar & help you find some closure & to deal with the loss. I know. I have a song about my Mom that I wrote & I sing it when I feel deep sorrow that sheā€™s gone.



Thanks Tod.
Yes, a lifetime of memories, all etched in my mind. Thereā€™s bound to be sadness right now but the memories will all be happy ones.

Neil Diamondā€™s Beautiful Noise is about finding music in the sounds of everyday life. Itā€™s a song Iā€™ve always liked.

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So sorry to hear of your loss David. With 67 years of marriage there must be some wonderful memories. As others have already said, the music will come back into your life but family and friendships will always come first.
Take care.

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Thanks Paul.
Iā€™m sat here having a coffee and thinking that, actually, music hasnā€™t left me. Itā€™s still there and I still listen to it. Itā€™s the playing of it thatā€™s left me. Iā€™m sure that if I were a good player, Iā€™d be playing music that suited the mood. Itā€™s the inability to just pick up the guitar and play without thinking that stops me from having a go.
Hmmā€¦. I wonder if Iā€™ll ever get thereā€¦


I remember you posting this in the ā€œWhere does your username come fromā€ thread. Read your own words & think about being the guitar player you dream of becoming.

Often, when life kicks us in the gut, some of the things we want or need to do are put on hold for a while - we need time to recover. Thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s important to remember our Dreams & our Goals though. They may not seem so important while the pain is fresh, but theyā€™re actually a very important part of recovering and healing from the crummy hand that has been dealt to you.

As I said above, itā€™s good to look back and remember the times youā€™ve had with your Dad, but at the same time, think about what your Dad would have said to you if he were still here. Not knowing him of course Iā€™ll just give you the advice Iā€™d give my son in similar circumstancesā€¦ ā€œSon, stop crying in your beer, get up off of your bum & go do something you love! While your doing it, just give a little thought to how much I love you & how proud I am that youā€™re having yourself some fun & not just moping around!ā€ (Iā€™d probably use some ā€œsaltierā€ words, though)
My 2 centsā€¦ given in the spirit of someone who has experienced similar painā€¦


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Thanks Tod. You have wise words.

Iā€™m slowly moving out of the ā€œon holdā€ phase and starting to plan. That applies to guitar too. I am indeed redefining my goals, although Iā€™ve never particularly liked the term ā€œgoalsā€. I prefer aims or ambitions. It isnā€™t a change of direction, more a honing in to what I want to do.

I have a little nest egg from a pension due before long and I intend to spend it on new gear. :smiley:
Top of my list is a Katana Gen3 and then a guitar! Probably wonā€™t be a Dream though because Burns seem to have gone out of production. :guitar:


Hey David,

Your last spurred me to look up the Burns Dream for sale onlineā€¦ there a quite a few out there on EBAY & REVERBā€¦ not cheap mind youā€¦ but available if youā€™re interested. The Katana amps are very nice - I have the Katana 50 MKII - the only thing it doesnā€™t do that I wish I had is bluetooth for streaming a backing track while I playā€¦ I donā€™t hook it up to a computer as it seems most of the demos show & am pretty happy with the sounds I get from just ā€œtwiddling the knobsā€!!!

This is good! Whatever you want to call it - a good understanding of what direction to take is important - taking time to reflect & plan after something momentous happens (either good or bad) is a good thing! I am glad to hear this!

Good luck with everything David!!!


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Thanks Tod.
Yeah, Iā€™ve seen one or two on eBay. The problem with that though is you canā€™t try them out. Very much trusting to luck, and at that price I donā€™t fancy trusting to luck!
Iā€™ve never played anything but what I have so itā€™ll be off to the shop for me to sample a few guitars.
Looking forward to it!

Twiddling the knobs is just fine for me too. I watched Justinā€™s recent review and the Katana looks just right for someone like me who is just getting into the tone stuff but who wouldnā€™t know anything much about all the different effects pedals that are out there.
The new Gen3 Katana has Bluetooth so it maybe worth looking to trade yours in. Or just buy an extra oneā€¦ā€¦:smiley: