Copyright discussion - spin-off conversation from the BLIM copyright announcement concerning Artificial intelligence

But this thread has nothing to do with AI and is BLIM specific



As said , you can t ask to respect copyrights for Justin and not for all the other artists !

Then do that in a separate thread as you have done already and not hijack this one.
This was a BLIM specific issue.


its related … its copyright respect , its in the text posted !

removing the first post where the respect of copyrights was asked makes this topic pointless …

I decided it was important that the announcement topic stand alone from any supplementary discussion about copyright in general. I split all comments and left the announcement as a closed, pinned topic.
Having a copyright conversation is fine. But I didn’t want that announcement to be cluttered up with extraneous conversation.


Reference is made to the associated topic in the title and link to related topic in the first post.

I trust you’re not asking for ‘@discobot’ to be removed from the website :scream:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

AI is on the agenda for the team and further discussion in the new year … with decision(s) made about an approach that could work within the community soon.


its just that asking to respect justin’s rights to copyrights and not the rights of other artists is like saying : do what I say not what I do !

You just had to say ‘Candyman’ and summon it, didn’t you… :rage:


I’m not sure I agree that one excludes the other in the black & white manner you see it Deborah.

The announcement I wrote yesterday was placed due to a copyright infringement of Justin’s material posted in the JustinGuitar Community.
It is specific and it is direct and it is concerned only with Justin’s work. But, in having only that tight focus, it is not granting permission for copyright infringement of anything that is not of Justin’s work.


We’re all thievin’ scoundrels in one way or another. Its all been said, its all been done, and none of us are gettin’ out of here alive anyway.
I just play my Blues, and wait for the inevitable zombie apocalypse to come for us all…:nerd_face:
Happy New Year
© All rights unreserved…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hehe, I spent a couple of hours yesterday, cutting and pasting a musicians voice for a song, to give it a completely unintended meaning… :open_mouth:
I will come clean of course, but do hope he doesn’t sue :rofl:

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Ai was built on stolen material from thousands of artists ( and keeps on doing it )
its just turning a blind eye on it and being concerned only on your own issue

Dont ask for respect ( of copyrights ) if you do no respect the copyright infrigement of others

Issue aside, what AI are you referring to (that is on this site)?

That issue isn’t quite as settled as you make it seem. Yes, a lot of copyright material goes into the training data that large models are trained upon. But that doesn’t automatically make it copyright infringement, there is the (unsettled) argument of whether this constitutes fair use (or not).

For example, all modern language translation implementations use large natural language models, trained on huge corpus of texts, including (copyrighted) news articles and books. I haven’t heard anyone claiming copyright infringement just because copyrighted text was fed in as training data.

What you’re saying starts making more sense in the specific case of generative models, where the algorithm produces a seemingly novel piece of text / image / audio. But that’s a very specific application of AI.

So why is Disney then investing heavily in AI initiatives? Do they plan on stealing material from thousands of artists? There is more than one shade of blue.

This topic is about taking material from a premium course and sharing it publicly not about AI.

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Actually, IMO, yes. To be precise, they want to be the ones (and ideally the only one) doing the “stealing”. It’s just a matter of time (probably when generative art / music becomes commercially viable) before they start suing other AI companies, using their intellectual property portfolio as a weapon.

Anyway, let’s not get too far into the weeds. I don’t see any use of generative AI on this site (apart from the paid for portions which I have no access to), but do let me know if I’ve missed something.

I can think of only one realistically controversial situation—if a BLIM student records a video of himself performing some of Justin’s materials (where the focus is on their performance of a specific piece of Justin’s music, and not a wholesale upload of all of Justin’s materials in video form) and uploads it for public viewing… technically (but IANAL) that’s also copyright infringement, but one that I would personally feel somewhat uncomfortable seeing enforced. Maybe @Richard_close2u can clarify.