DavidP's Learning Log

Great update, David. You’ve had a tumultuous year, but that’s life and you’ve come through it all and you’re doing what you want to do. Congratulations.

As someone once said- Keep on keeping on ! 🎸

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Annus mirabilis! :laughing:
I’m never going to catch up, am I? :roll_eyes:

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Congrats on 6 years David.
You can well and truly claim to have it stick for life now I reckon.
This time next year you may have an itch!

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Thank you all for taking time to read and reply. While the Community grows and evolves the one constant is that it is build on a foundation of camaraderie and a shared passion for music and the pursuit of mastery at music-making. When I reflect on this first year post the change to the new platform and integration with the website, that has not changed.

A few specific replies …

@Socio that is ever so kind James but I think the Community is bigger than any individuals. It has a momentum based on its contribution to the JGverse that will ensure it continues on as people may come and go. And in this year as the business grew I frequently find that questions are already answered, direction given by other active members, members such as your good self.

And thankfully, the job of the Community mod is mostly to tidy up, such as editing categorisation, rather than stepping in to sort out bad behaviour.

@brianlarsen keeping things classical with a little Latin, Brian :grin: I’d say maybe Annus tumultuosus! might be more appropriate.

‘Catch up’ … I’m just trying to keep up :rofl: Luckily we are all on our own path, so keeping on the name of the game, rather than catching up.

@Richard_close2u what manner of itch, Richard … I hope you are not trying to plant a seed that may grow into another GAS attack :laughing:

The seven year itch of course!

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Is there a cream for that? j/k

David, I left a comment on your video about 6 years. But I wanted to add, the way you’ve written your journals over the years, your sharing and advice, has been great. Gives inspiration and helps so much. Thanks.

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Hi David, a busy year I can see with its ups and downs and hiccups, but I read through the lines enough enthusiasm and passion and that makes me smile, thinking that you are happy with yourself! The thing that I really appreciated in your writing was the aknowledgment of your well being at doing the things you do, without
how do you say? Big Hairy something (I can’t remember
I apologize) expectation…as I’m myself very much like that, not really
bothering too much about tomorrow’s success, but trying to be as much happy with my self as I can every single day. Thanks for sharing your year’s recap, it’s very inpirational to read now that I think I’m just about to start my learning log as well :blush:

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@Richard_close2u ah, gotcha … not prone to the seven year itch … married 26 years, 18 years in the Bank, 15 years in Toastmasters (now retired), a paltry 6 years in JG but still counting and not going to be hanging up my guitar (metaphorically speaking as they are all hanging up on the wall) any time soon

@jkahn thanks JK, I always hope so and as such do like to share my experiences and observations. So I do appreciate it when people acknowledge that.

@SILVIA , I could quote your whole reply, Silvia, you’ve read between the lines and summed me up perfectly :blush: Ah the old Big Hairy … I tend not to use that one too often, but is popular in the USA … BHAG … Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

I’m much more inclined towards the slow and steady pursuit of mastery, progression towards a North Star that gives me direction. And always remembering to look back to see how far I’ve come, to celebrate the current moments and achievements, rather than always feeling some sense of perpetual ‘not there yet’, ‘no good’, because there is always more to learn. No end point or destination, just a wonderful never-ending adventure, with waypoints along the way.


Hi David. I’ve just spent the afternoon casually reading through your learning log from the very beginning and I must commend you on how well written and instantly engaging it is. Looking forward the next instalment.

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Another fine chapter of your learning path, David. I read it with big interest as you seem to always find the right words. Happy, that you recovered well from your health problems this year. Thanky you for being such a wise Moderator of this community!

This is so well written and corresponds so much with my feelings. In the end of 2020, I got seriously ill, didn’t know how and if things will go on. A point in my life, where I learned to live in the moment, to keep every moment in my heart and not to look too much in the future and to forget about living in presence. And so, like you, I enjoy every minute I can put into this guitar journey, whether I progress faster or not.

Wish you Merry Christmas, David, my best wishes for you and your family!

Goodness me, Peter, that is quite something to have read through the whole lot. Your determination is to be commended. Thanks for the compliments. Based on recent form, check back in this time next year :rofl:

Thank you Andrea, for the reading, the postive reply, and best wishes. It is wonderful to be here, and be in such a supportive community. I really do feel all the care and support here which makes life, not just guitar, all the better.

Good to hear you are doing well and wish you and yours every blessing.

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As always David an engaging, honest and interesting read. Progress becomes incremental as the longer you play and focusing on “learning” - at least personally - becomes more challenging compared to practicing and performing. As you say getting comfortable with where you are and where you might be going is the key thing. Certainly from what I see you continue to make solid progress and keep pushing yourself where you can. Looking forward to another year of enjoying your performances and in general the community.

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A terrific update and a great read as always David. The key thing of course was the health check!
Here’s to another year of guitar learning and many many more years of good health. :beers:

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@Rossco01 encouraging and practical as always, Jason. “push” may be overstating, but I do keep at it and am happily making progress in whatever direction I am moving in.

@sairfingers thanks Gordon. As you say, the health intervention was most important this year, without which the road ahead would have been considerably shorter. And fortunately, despite the chronic meds, I can still have a wee :tumbler_glass: or two. One of the simple pleasures of life.

Hi David, Happy 6th JGversary! Thank you for sharing your story. I read it by installments. Someway as you wrote in one of your posts about the feedback, your recollection of the steps you have taken, your reflections on the process, and the advice you provide can inspire, encourage, help, in different manners to different people. I was able to listen only a couple of you recordings. Love Me Do was one of them because is in my list of songs to learn. Good job with that one. As you has advised to others keep doing what you are doing.

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@dobleA thanks for the feedback, Andrés, I do appreciate you sharing your thoughts and am always glad to hear if my Log does as I intend, which is to offer something useful to others on the path.

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There is so much here to digest! I had to read it in a couple different sittings. I would like to take the time to go back through all of it in one read, but my biggest takeaway is your devotion to the craft of music! Your progress is astounding, as are the means in which you have tackled all of the challenges and obstacles along the way.

I aspire to begin a learning log soon, and this is certainly one to model after! Awesome job @DavidP !!


Thank you, very generous, Travis.

A Learning Log can be really helpful and there are so many excellent examples in the Community now.

A bit late to the party but I did want to commend you on overcoming obstacles and helping out with the community. Hope you can manage a bit more practice/playing time this year.
Cheers :tumbler_glass:

Thanks Robert. All is good this year … plenty playing, though could certainly spend more time practising :grin: