Do you play better on some days?

Yeah, good days and bad days. I play or practice anyway. Sometimes bad days turn into good days, and hitting the wrong strings turns into hitting the right ones. Sometimes not.

What I’ve noticed is that as time goes on, my bad days are better than my good days used to be. I’m just working on harder stuff.


Yes, I play better some days. If I’m having an off day I usually laugh at myself and don’t let it get me down too much. I know I am improving even if it is only a small improvement. I will finish the session with something I can succeed at.


Other replies confirm that we all have bad days.

The two things I do on those occassions: play one of my rock solid, long-standing favourites - not only complete songs - little chord sequences, bits of tunes I can pick out; or, try something completely new - tackling a new piece of music is so involving and rewarding.

I’ve played guitar, self-taught, for years. I’m following Justin’s course from the beginning. I know it sounds trivial to those already aware of it but I’ve already been made ridiculously happy by learning a new way to form an A chord and that there are anchor fingers: who knew? Not me!

Even on a bad day music is a comforting companion.



My goodness.
It appears I’m in good company here.
So many good, thoughtful replies to this question.
Thanks to ALL who’ve contributed to this question.

And here I thought it was just me and it’s not just me.
Everyday is it’s own new thing I guess. Sometimes good, sometimes leaving a bit to be desired.
We get through them ‘bit to be desired’ days. Move forward and try try again.

Thanks for all this insight as to ways of dealing with this phenomenon, and excellent comments.

I’ve not played yet today and wonder how it will play out? I think I’ll pick up my guitar shortly and find out… :slight_smile:

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