Em chord is to loud

Correct the problem is the e-string ringing when going fron an E to an A chord.

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I think i get what your saying. I’ll give it a try tonight when playing. Thnx for the suggestion.

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Hi Ultralord, your understanding of muting the low E string was absolutely correct, another salution would be to palm mute the low E string just before playing the Em chord, I’m guessing your using an electric guitar and not an accoustic?, good luck on your guitar journey.

Thanx more than enough sollutions. For now the best sollution is setting my amp on clean. This helps allot. There was a sort of echo effect allong with the distortion.


Probably reverb, which is usually quite nice but often not with chords and overdrive

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Yeah, I don’t do overdrive, but I like a subtle amount of reverb on my amps, even the acoustic amp.

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Its fine for lead but not used a lot on heavily driver rhythm guitar I think.

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I think it’s generally a good idea to play clean at the beginning stages, unless you are doing something very specific (like learning power chords) where the distortion could be beneficial.

Many beginner techniques are just not meant for high gain settings.

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