Em to D advice please

Hi Libitina,

Yep, even though I do lessons set out on the guitar app, I guess I have concentrated too much on this one song and trying to get there too quickly. A post earlier in this thread mentioned it is not about speed. Justin quite often mentions that to and I should really head that advice and will going forward. Thank you for taking time out to offer your advice.

Best Regards,

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Hi mattswain,

Thank you for the advice. At the moment my 3rd finger feels like it is glued to my second finger. I will get there thanks to yours and many others help on this forum.

Best Regards,

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Hi Richard_close2u,

Thank you Richard, that is very helpful. Sorry I did not spot this before. I am in work at mo but will take a read on returning home later. Many thanks.

Best Regards,

Hi brianlarsen,

I will add this to my exercise routine and give it a go. Thanks for taking time out to help out. It is much appreciated.

Best Regards,

Try practising with a capo up the neck, perhaps at fret 5. That way your fingers wonā€™t have so far to move between changes. Then gradually move the capo back down the neck.

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Yes! Use the 1 minute app that Justin has in the App Storeā€¦.put that in your daily practice routine.

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One of the best bits of advice I heard was, ā€œIf you canā€™t do it slow, you canā€™t ever do it fast.

Meaning start off really slow, Em to D. Carefully placing your fingers. Hold the position for a few seconds, then repeat again.

Repeat this over and over, very slowly in your practice routine.
Muscle memory will develop and you will no longer need to consciously place your fingers. Speed will follow.

Justin promotes the same approach with his ā€˜Perfect practice makes permanentā€™ approach to 1 minute changes.
If you rush it you will just train your brain/ fingers to do the wrong thing, so Take Your Time.:wink:

Alternatively, Justine has a great lesson on ā€˜Riders on the Stormā€™ - The Doors classic. Em to D, using the open chords, but he also shows a set of alternate voicing for Em and D that sound great and are played on the same 3 strings (D,G&B) that you might find easier to switch between as you can keep one finger on a string while placing the other two.

Iā€™m learning the D major in thirds, backwards that he uses to simulate the keyboard rain patter at the star of that song. Very slowly to start, though the urge to go fast persists and is very hard to resist!:joy:

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Hi sairfingers,

Thanks for the tip and taking time out to help.

Best Regards,

Hi jtoomeyj,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have not looked at the app you mention yet but will take a look later when I get home. Thanks for the suggestion.

Best Regards,

Hi dave,

Some great advice there thanks. Yep I have been going to fast at these chords, I realise that now. Will defo be implementing into my practice notes and doing slowly from now on. I will take a look at Riders on the storm, sounds interesting. Thanks again for your suggestions.

Best Regards,

Let me know if you donā€™t find the app and I will dig it out and show you where it is. Are you iPhone or android?

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Many thanks jtoomeyj. Iā€™ll have a look and let you know :+1:

Best regards,