Hello from Farm Boy John

Just a line to introduce myself, started playing when I was 60 as I tried to play as a teenager which was not a success so promised to try again when I retired now Iโ€™m 76 might be the oldest dog in the kennel had some lesson early on and started with Justin awhile ago, I play all sorts pop classical but my love has always been the blues which I have been playing for awhile now and Iโ€™m looking forward to the Blues Immersion Course. I listen to a lot of old blues players such as Robert Johnson and Betty Smith, BB King ,Muddy Waters Etc. I am Left Handed but never found a problem with it or learning to play would be interesting to see if there are many more left handed guitarist in the group.
Best Wishes to all,
John Bedder.
Farm Boy.


Hi John,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Not even close :smile: For people who are young at heart, although even their passport seems to doubt this

But you are of a respectable age and how fantastic that you enjoy playing the guitar :sunglasses: :smiley:


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Hi John, welcome to the community forum. I can tell that you will enjoy the Blues Immersion course.

Thank you for your kind words, yes still young at heart , still play most days for at least two hours keeps me young and active in body and mind.
Kind Regards,


Welcome to the forum John

Hey Farm Boy, welcome to the community. Look forward to hearing more from you,

Hi from a fellow lefty. Blues course too advanced for me. But hope you have fun

Welcome, John, enjoy the BLIM.

Welcome to the community. This is the place where everyone is learning and Justinโ€™s course makes it fun to learn. Also a place where you can get support when frustration takes over. Happy playing!!!

Welcome aboard, John! :smiley:

Welcome John !

Welcome to the community John.

Welcome John, Iโ€™m looking forward to enjoying the Blues Immersion Sessions too. So let the journey begin. :grinning:

Excited for your journey brother.

Hello John.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a โ€˜communityโ€™. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
