Finger expansion for spider exercise

@Jamolay thank you. How you say, its never too late and there are tons of finger exercises… I think many known songs was finger warmup for someone in past. And they are really famous. I got “every breath you take” in mind, but I am not sure now.

@barny good point. I follow spider by Paul Davids, this is just 1st part. Then there is 2nd part you go up. There are really many exercises for fingers and I got this one - I also noticed huge help in picking scales or when I am fingerstyle playing. Definitely gonna try Justins version too, because from my personal experience everything is connected and everything is good for something. Even when I dont know or think about that now. :slight_smile:

@beejay56 Thank you very much. Now I am working on fingerstyle blues and its really something! I am pretty sure spider helped me there too. :slight_smile:

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