firasR - September 2023 - Old Time Rock n Roll

@Prof_Thunder Hi Ian and thank you for the kind words :blush: Iā€™m glad that you found my progress and upgrade project inspiring, as both of those were inspired by others here in this great community. Justinā€™s a phenomenal teacher, and everyone here is extremely helpful and supportive which makes learning & growing a real pleasure.

That being said, each new grade/module/song feels like taking a few steps back before I break through, so donā€™t be discouraged if you ever feel that way yourself. Itā€™s just the cycle of growth (start learning something difficult, think youā€™ll never be good at it, then get really good at it with time and practice, learn something new thatā€™s more challenging, think itā€™s impossible, get better at it, and so on) :smiley:

Thatā€™s a nice milestone to have for yourself (getting a new guitar when youā€™re into Grade 2), as others have pointed out to me, donā€™t feel that you need to get a new guitar to sound better as in the early stages thatā€™s mostly dependent on growing skill proficiency rather than gear. However, if youā€™re a tinkerer/collector like me, then go ahead and reward yourself with a new guitar when you feel the urge and enjoy modding your old one. I learned a lot about guitars from that upgrade project and might still change some things with that older Squier in the future :wink:

I just posted a new recording today, not my greatest performance, but itā€™s a new milestone to be celebrated and improved upon in my continued practice.

Keep on rocking my friend, and I look forward to seeing your future song recordings if you choose to share those with the community (please @mention me if you do) :smiley:

@Digger72 Hey Stephen, thank you for the positive feedback :blush: That was probably the best ā€œfeelingā€ song recording Iā€™ve done so far, as you noticed with my head bobbing :smiley:

Much appreciated!