First AVOYP- Get Lucky by Daft Punk- This year's love by David Gray

Thank you !:pray:t2:

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Nice! Once you keep doing it over and over you will get there! Nice steady strums! Good job!

Hi Norhan,

Your first AVOYP :sunglasses: :partying_face: :clap: ,that’s a big thing, and it’s only been in use for a short time, but your wrist looks smooth/flexible, and your finger placement is so close to the frets, especially that C ,I still need stretch work on that one because in the heat of the moment i make still sometimes the mistake of not placing it close enough to the frets, keep on going you’re doing well … :sunglasses:

Greetings ,Rogier

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Thank you Rogier!
I know that particular mistake myself :sweat_smile: I’m sure you’ll get there :sparkles::pray:t2:

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