Guitar advice please

Hi, I am looking to maybe learn guitar, but I have a couple of issues that I would like some advise on first if I may.

I am an older person over the age of sixty, so would take longer to learn I think.

I have small hands which are a bit stiff and I have a touch of arthritis in my fingers. I also so have limited reach or stretch.

So if possible I would like to get an idea of which type of guitar would be more comfortable to play?.

Would a short scale be better or a thinner neck.

The players I like to listen to include, Knopfler, Gilmour, Guthrie Govan, Alex Hutchings, to name a few, but also listen to a lot of different styles of music from classical to metal.

This guitar market is so confusing, especially when you are on a budget.

Also would a multi effects pedal with headphones do for now, or would I need an amp.

I have no intentions of being in a band or gigging, this will be just for my enjoyment.

Cheers Andy

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