Guitar Strumming Tips

I would suggest that for a starting point, ditch the video and don’t even try to play with it. Instead play the bar with the two chords to a metronome set at a slow pace. Practice this until you are comfortable to move the speed up. Once you get close to the speed of the video then you can go back to using it. IT doesn’t matter if you have to start at a BPM of 50 if that’s what it takes, starting there and moving up as you get the feel will get you to the proper speed faster than repeatedly try to play at tempo.



I struggle with old faithful but yesterday I started saying out loud 1, 2 and miss and 4 and I got it a bit better. I might try down, down, up, miss, up, down in my next practice

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I used to always say down, down, up, up, down, and I still say/think the pattern if I’m trying to learn something new.

One thing I’d suggest, is to begin with don’t use any metronome.
Just go as slow as it takes to play the required strums correctly.
Don’t worry about timing, just concentrate on hitting the strings with the correct down/up strums. Once you can do that, gradually speed it up until you can do it at what you feel is a comfortable pace.
Then think about re-introducing the metronome.


The script is so simple that I am not sure how it can print double letters, sorry.
Regarding your suggestions, I thought about that, but the easiest solution may be the best one - if you do not like the pattern then simply refresh the page. It usually takes only a handful of clicks until you get a pattern that satisfies your conditions.

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Yes - saying it out loud, in my view, is a must for learning and helping to connect your brain, your hand (and even your vocalisation for singing).

Spot on.
Get the mechanics all working and doing the right thing with no time pressure or constraint.

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I forget where I saw it but a statement that has stuck with me for a long time is: “If you’re not counting out loud, you’re not counting”


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Oh gosh, the more i strum the more my hand moves away from the strings its very aggravating. I finally get my retheme down then i start missing strings. Any advice on this.

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I have the same problem! Thanks for asking about this. I’m thinking the advice is going to be to slow down. :wink:

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I guess i will figure it out on my own.

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I been struggling with strumming my self ,so first I bought Justin’s strumming course and then I am not focusing on songs. I am focusing on strumming with some cords that will sound like songs but concentrating on what my strumming hand is doing, I think in a weeks time of doing this I came a long way. I don’t miss strings as much and I don’t hit strings too hard as much I am finding my balance. Justin’s strumming course really helps.

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Roger get Justin’s strumming course I bought it and it really helps.

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Jeff @Jwaters
Before somebody else mentions it, you should use your strumming skills with songs.

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Oh I do use in songs but I meant when I am focusing on my strumming hand on a lesson on strumming I don’t want to focus on if my song cords are right. I just focus on getting strumming right


What song is he playing here? Especially at 9:10-9:22? Sounds so nice!

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I’m struggling to visualise what you are experiencing.

@dotto_t Welcome to the community Erik. He isn’t playing any song, just a chord progression that is probably in many songs.

I think I’m making progress with strumming. My biggest hurdle at the moment is switching between the chords in time whilst strumming. I’m having to pause the strum, finish the chord change and then resume strumming, or strum very slowly. I suppose I just need to keep practicing chord switches.


Jason @parabol72
Most important to keep your arm moving even if you don’t hit the strings while you change chords.
By the way welcome to the community. :grinning:


As the Spencer Davis Group said back in the day :

Keep on strumming.

Sure it was strumming. Was its strumming ? Anyway keep that arm moving and keep on strumming. Simples.

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Hi @parabol72

Justin has a segment in his lessons somewhere that shows strumming open strings can sound fine. If you are working on something a little too fast, you can still use the open strings until you get the speed ironed out. If you are still strumming on “one”, then don’t worry, it will come as you get your head in sync with your hands.

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