Hallelujah Grade 2 Module 11

Hi all, I have been played for about 5 months, and this is my attempt at Hallelujah. Any feedback on things to improve on? Did anyone also have a hard time moving past Grade 2 module 11 and 12? I feel like I have lost motivation here and have been stuck on these two for some weeks. This is my first time recording so please ignore my face ha-ha I was trying to concentrate on the app. Chords are C G Am F E at 114 BPM.


Hi Marcus
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

First post…and your first video…man a first video is a big thing…congratulations :partying_face: :clap: :sunglasses:… well done :sunglasses:

Well your guitar face is one that many would give a limb for :grin:

the "over "concentration and start more relaxation in playing comes naturally when you know how to play the chords by heart… now I also see that when you change chords you stop the flowing movement a little with your strumming arm …

These are all things that disappear if you practice quietly every day (5 days a week)… but if you lose your motivation a bit you have to move on to something else… another song or the next lessons… The most important thing is that you enjoy what you do, but sometimes a little less because for almost everyone you sometimes have to get through something with this somewhat complicated instrument…

Keep on going and find other songs …But don’t forget to come back to these after a while, you will see that almost automatically you will start to play them faster and better way easier :sunglasses:

5 months in is absolute very short … even if you had 5 hours a day … this is for the long road :smiley: :sunglasses:

Greetings ,Rogier


I think that’s a great result on chord changing for just 5 months playing. Chord changes with a fastish strumming pattern, which this is, are not easy. I think what Rog said about relaxation is spot on. This will help with the few gaps, but there weren’t that many anyway!

Tell me about it, in all my videos I look as though my old faithful dog has just died (I don’t really have a dog), but it’s just because I’m concentrating really hard :rofl:


Welcome to the Community Marcus and well done on posting your first AVoYP. Five months isn’t long and you’ve achieved a lot in that time including barre F, so well done on that too!
One thing I could suggest is to try the 2,3,4 finger version of the G chord. Particularly in this song which involves changes between G, F, C, it can make for less finger movement. It’ll involve a bit of practise but will be worth it as these chord changes are of course common to many songs.

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Well done Marcus, and welcome to the community, It takes a lot to do what you have done especially having only played for 5 months so pat on the back for you mate keep it going cheers Hec

good effort Marcus i have been stuck on mod 11 for months trying to learn the finger style; played happy birthday all the way through the other day not from memory tho
planning to move on soon to power chords !

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Playing from memory is a whole other challenge for sure.

Thank you. I’ll try using that finger configuration.

Hi Marcus, welcome to the forum. You are on the right path by following JG and you progressed quite well. Keep practicing and challenging yourself. :slight_smile:

Nice job Marcus. You are progressing very nicely. Keep up the practice and the good work :sunglasses:

Hello Marcus & Welcome!

I think you’re doing really well considering that you are only about 5 months into your guitar Journey! Keep up the good work & I for one am looking forward to your next post!!!
Keep it fun!!!


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Great effort Marcus and yes, a big thing posting up your first vid. As mentioned here I think for 5 months things are going well. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to get through those modules, consolidation is important and there are plenty of good songs to learn along the way that keep us motivated.

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Bravo, Marcus, well done on progress and sharing a first recording.

Have a look at your post above. I edited it to embed the video.