Hard-pressed frets

No worries Paul. Structured practice time would be about 10-15 minutes/ day incorporated into my alt picking/hand sych practice.
Also, whenever I pick up the guitar though, I’ve gotten into the habit of doing a few little runs across the board as lightly as possible. It all helps I reckon.

Cheers, Shane

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Thanks for sharing! Very interesting article!

This was raised in another concurrent thread but I think this is the right place to add some thoughts. I know not to press too hard but sometimes I realise this is happening, it is often when I am learning something particularly if it involves my non fretting hand or I have had short break, like a holiday. Does anybody have this happen to them.
PS I am going to add a reminder in big letters on my practice schedule and see if that works.

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I often find a few circumstances where my grip tightens more than necessary.
Learning new material from sheet music or tab. I notice as I lean in to read or concentrate on focusing my eyes my fretting hand tenses up.
Switching between electric and acoustic guitars. Overcompensating for the higher action and thicker strings on the acoustic.
Trying to get all the notes to ring out in a chord. I play predominantly fingerstyle so getting all the strings targeted to ring out clearly is important. My first instinct is to press harder on the string when really I need to better position my fingers.
As time goes by these stresses have lessened but definitely have not disappeared.