Hello - I'm Rachel from Austria

Hi One and All,

I’m Rachel from Austria, 53yrs young and just started playing guitar…
Into blues, so hoping to learn to play the blues before I’m 100 :rofl:
I’m a lefty but play right handed, go figure…Find it easier to change chords…

Well, that’s it for now, fingers to sore to type from practicing :sweat_smile:


Hi Rachel and welcome aboard! :smiley:

If you stick with Justin’s course, you’ll soon dip your toe into some blue(s)water. :joy: So I’m convinced you’ll reach that goal before finishing the century. :smiley:

Have fun and enjoy the journey!

Cheers - Lisa

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Hello Rachel & welcome to the community!!!
53 years Young? Love it! Great attitude! Finger pain is temporary, just one if those things guitarists have to endure when starting out or after an extended break from playing… pretty soon it’ll be over! Have loads of fun with your new musical adventure!
Good luck!!!


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Welcome, Rachel, I’m 64 and want to try the blues, too and just started in January. I think we both can make it! :laughing:

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Hello Rachel, and a warm welcome from another Austrian :hugs:.

I’ve just reached module 13 - the first time, when Justin’s course teaches you blues. So, I’m doing my first steps into blues at the moment, and it’s great fun - as have been all previous modules :smiley:.

I wish you a wonderful guitar journey :guitar::star_struck:.

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Welcome to the forum Rachel

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Thank you all for the warm welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I know us ‘oldies’ will succeed and enjoy playing the blues and looking forward to sharing my progress and hearing how every one else gets on, especially in the blues modules :grinning:

So time to buckle down and have some having learning to play the guitar :crazy_face:

Hello from yet another “youngster” and fairly new starter :smiley:. I live not too far away from Austria, in Nuremberg/Bavaria. Wishing you lots of fun with your guitar and here in the forum! :guitar: :smiley:

Welcome and best of luck!

Hi Rachel,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hey Rachel, welcome to the forum. I started playing when I was about your age, it’s just wonderful 10+ years on to be able to play songs for friends, family and myself. A very good friend of mine is left handed and she plays right handed guitars very well. Works for some lefties and doesn’t for others. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Thank you Tony,

Playing RHD is definitely better for me, so hopefully I’ll progess at a better rate. Just enjoying it all and will post my progress :blush:

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Has anyone else noticed that once the fingertips have hardened, after an extended break when they have gone completely soft, once you start playing again, they harden up much quicker than they did the first time, like they remember what they’re supposed to do… or is that just me?

Yes I have! I have been “playing” off & on for years & definitely noticed that the finger pain isn’t nearly as bad as the original time around… not sure why that happens though.


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HI Rachel, welcome to the community. If you practice a little each day with Justin’s lessons, you will reach your goal of playing the blues.

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Hello Rachel and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Oh yes, sore fingers, I remember it well. Thankfully that doesn’t last too long in the grand scheme of things.

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Hi Rachel, a very warm belated welcome to the community! I live in Bavaria/Germany, very close to the Austrian (Tyrolien ) border, so maybe not too far away from you.
Follow Justin’s course and you will start into the blues and build up your skills before you get 100. Have fun and enjoy the process!

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Hi Rachel, nice to meet you. Good luck with the guitar journey. I feel confident with Justinguitar and consistent practice you will be playing the blues way before you are 100.
Best wishes,

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Hi Rachel, welcome. Good you started playing guitar. Justin Guitar has plenty of blues lessons, but better build a good foundation with the basics before going there (you can take a quick peek if you want). As with many Justin’s lessons, he introduces each guitar skill only when most persons would be typically ready for it (each person is different). Left handed for :writing_hand:, right handed for playing :guitar: here. I’ve never tried a left handed guitar. Have fun.

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