Hello from Lee in Spartanburg, SC - I am learning for the sake of my health! :)

I am 59 years old and trying to learn my first musical instrument. It was prescribed by my doctor. You see, both of my parents had Alzheimer’s. My doctor suggested I learn a language or learn to play an instrument in order to keep my brain active. So here I am. I have been playing for 1 1/2 years mostly using Justinguitar. I have no desire at this point to ever play out. By the time I can actually play something even close to music, I will probably be too feeble. :smile: I am enjoying the challenge though.


Welcome to the community Lee! Hope you have a lot of fun with Justin’s classes!

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Lee, welcome to the community forum. My dad had non-Alzheimer’s dementia for years before he passed away, so I was determined to memorize the 5 songs I played and recorded for grade 1 consolidation. I’m 69 and still learning, so there is a lot to learn here. Have fun along with doing yourself some good.


Hello Lee & Welcome!!!

I’m right ahead if you in the same boat… at 62 I’m learning guitar (because I love it) & Spanish too… making lots of noise & mistakes bit having fun along the way!!!

If you haven’t already, get a stand or a wall hanger for the guitar so it’s easier to just pick up and play whenever you have a few spare minutes. I practice scales or chord progressions while my coffee is brewing in the mornings!

Most importantly, have FUN!!! It’s called PLAYING guitar, not WORKING guitar for a reason!!! :rofl:
Good luck!


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Hi Lee, and welcome! Hanging out here in this community will definitely give your neurons a workout (well, it does mine anyway :rofl:)! I’m 65, retired, and can’t imagine not having guitar and the stimulation of this group. Hope to hear from you a lot!


Welcome to the forum Lee

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Hey Lee, nice to meet you, Lee is my middle name. :slight_smile:

I started at the age of 53 with Justin Guitar and now 10+ years later and playing and singing every day. It’s such a great reward. Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Lee ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Music is certainly the best option to train your brain to the maximum and to preserve it against decay that is worse than is normal for you as a person… also learn to sing and then you have maximum security… no guarantee, but it won’t get any better for you brain (with good nutrition of course) :smiley:



welcome :slight_smile:

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Welcome Lee,

Enjoy the journey.


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hi Lee! welcome!

(my mum takes Ginko Biloba tablets :wink:)

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Welcome to the community, Lee! :smiley:

Hope you also have some fun learning the guitar, not only focus on the “learning” itself. It’s such a joyful thing to do. :slight_smile:


Hello Lee.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.


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I have actually been lurking on here since day one of my journey with Justin Guitar. I have learned a lot from reading others questions. This forum is a great resource for sure.


Welcome, Lee. Listen to you doctor! My mom had dementia (non-Alzheimer) and so for me I am hoping learning guitar will help. At 65 it sure isn’t hurting, lol and I am having fun. I started 19 months or so ago and I’ve got a few songs memorized, it’s doable!


I do have to say Lee keep going my friend and enjoy one day you will play something that makes you feel good and that’s all that matters its a good place to be and stay so hello and nice to meet you HEC

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Hi Lee. Welcome! I’m 68 yo and started with Justin four years ago. I had just retired from a stressful software engineering career, and learning guitar was the perfect antidote for my free time. I’ve been concerned that I keep my mind busy so in addition to guitar I read a lot and also use the paid version of the phone app, Lumosity. That app helps your brain stay sharp by throwing different types of mental challenges at you, daily.

Good luck with your guitar playing and, as Justin says, don’t forget to have fun!


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Hi Lee,

Welcome to the community forum. :grinning:

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Welcome aboard, Lee.
We’re just what the doctor prescribed! :laughing:
I’m afraid playing your guitar is unlikely prevent Alzheimer’s, but it should provide you with many pleasurable life-enhancing experiences :smiley:
The really good news is that if you spend your time hanging around with us, no one is likely to ever notice should you lose your marbles… :rofl:

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Hi Lee,
I can second the above - after some work, there will be more and more occasions to enjoy the achievement. When I was tired or had a hard time, I could just sit down and just noodle some nice melodies just as they came…

I found this one of Justin’s lessons - with scientific background - quite interesting and somehow related to the topic:

While music and langtuages are certainly great, once I heard an expert stating that passing time with other people, discussions and laughing together helps keeping the brain intact!
And should you ever struggle on your guitar journey, you’ll certainly find helpful advice in here.

All the best,