Hello from North Carolina

Hi everyone,

I’ve got a really mixed, unusual relationship with the guitar.

I started playing as a young teenager in the late nineties and was really serious about it into college. I wanted to major in music, but ended up with a minor (the guitar program was dropped partway through). I was always sort of perpetually on a plateau, for lots of reasons. Most of my peers in the music department had a big leg up on me, guitar was limited to classical, and I struggled with some pretty deep confidence issues. I graduated into the Great Recession and ended up working a lot of random retail and guitar teaching jobs. I think I’ve worked at every big guitar big box retailer, plus an indie (these were mostly Not Awesome experiences, as a young woman).

In my twenties I played in a (kind of bad but very enthusiastic) gigging cover band and had an original (same) pop punk band that played out. I was never great–good enough to look brilliant to non-players, not good enough to keep up with most of the musicians around me. I’ve never felt particularly good about my playing. My parents were never thrilled about my interest in music, and this made things harder, too. This was also not the most conducive moment for women, girls, and femme folks trying to play guitar, as I’m sure many can also tell you. But I was still pretty determined. I went back to school for a little while and studied jazz, but dropped out (same confidence problems as before, except people were even scarier, because jazz). I taught private lessons (mostly to children and teens), worked at the odd rock camp, and played a lot of open mics.

I ended up in a several-year-long abusive relationship with another guitar player, and stopped playing almost completely for several years. Maybe once every two or three years I play at a campfire or do a random three-song set at an open mic, but then it goes back into the closet. As always, I can impress non-players. But I have essentially been building cities on the same plateau for almost fifteen years.

I have had so so so much therapy (LOL), sailing into middle-age. What I have not done is try to be in community with nice people. I made a goal this year to build a doable, non-threatening practice regime and focus on playing for joy rather than to “be good” or “be real” or whatever other standard we sometimes have for ourselves. I would like to spend 2025 revisiting some basics, filling in some holes with the things that I never learned, doing some songwriting, and maybe even finding a way to play with other people again.

TikTok turned me on to Justin Guitar and I really like the community-based donation model. I’m excited by the idea of lessons without anxiety (and I’m excited that the guitar landscape is becoming more gender inclusive).

Thanks for reading my long post! I hope to get to know some of you!



Welcome! You won’t find a nicer, safer place than this community. I’m glad you’re here! I’m going to throw an idea out for you…this is coming from someone who may never play as well has you already do so take the idea or leave it :smiling_face:. Start at the beginning of Justin’s lessons. The very beginning. You’ll sail through (your biggest time commitment may be watching the videos!). Others have done this, though, and said they picked up some really good tips even though they had a good guitar background. Also, since you’ve taught, you might find it interesting to watch Justin’s methods. If nothing else you’ll see how the course is organized!

Whatever you decide to do, it will be good to hear from you as you rekindle your journey.


Hello coyotesnacks
welcome to the community :hugs: It is very friendly, supportive and inclusive :sunflower:
I would second Judi’s suggestion of watching the lesson videos from the beginning, even if you go back and watch one every now and then. They’re packed with gems :slight_smile:
Looking forward to hearing more from you :smiling_face:

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Hello Cotote …
Thank you for giving us such a personal and open introduction.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.



Hi and welcome here,
never thought that that weird tiktok with its nasties could still serve a good purpose and would probably lead you and therefore many more to this site … :smiley: ( discl: I only know the bad stories from the newspapers and the TV news itself, I don’t go there)

have fun :sunglasses:



Hi CoyoteSnacks, welcome to the community forum. I will second the suggestion others have made to at least look at all the beginning instructional lessons. I spent 40+ years as an advancing beginner (classical, acoustic and some electric) before starting Justin. I still started at the beginning and learned some things even at the beginning. I have especially enjoyed the new grade 3 that Justin added to bridge the transition from beginner to intermediate guitarist, where Justin discusses philosophy and practice of learning the guitar and developing interesting practice routines. I know that you will be able to find many ways to rekindle your love of guitar in a kind, helpful and above all fun environment.


Welcome to the community Coyotesnacks.

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Thank you, Judi! I think that’s a great idea and my gut impulse was to do just that!


Thank you, Richard! Will do!

Hi Rogier! TikTok gets a bad rap, but there’s a lot of good there, too! It’s led me to some really great places over the years, alongside of some of the silliness (and there’s a lot more millennials and gen-xers than I think most expect!)

Welcome to the forum coyotesnacks


Hello C.S. & Welcome!!!
Good luck & have fun rekindling the fire & your love for guitar!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

Thank you, Tod!

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Welcome to the forum from a fellow North Carolinian! Your guitar journey sounds like it’s certainly been “interesting” for you, and certainly not all in an interesting way. I do hope you find a comfortable spot to find joy with guitar playing, and maybe learn a few things, too.

I am definitely intimidated to “put myself out there” with my guitar playing on any sort of socials. I’ve certainly seen supportiveness, but I’ve also seen a lot of ugliness that I STRONGLY prefer to avoid.

I certainly understand a lack of confidence.

Say, you wouldn’t happen to use the same username elsewhere on the internet, would you? I can’t place it, but I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

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Hey welcome cyotesnacks. Love the name.

You found a great supportive place. I think you have a cool history, I totally get what you are saying about the confidence and support. It can be hard when you do not feel it. Interact here and take it at the speed you feel comfortable and you will find that inner ripper inside. Before you know it you will be posting videos and feeling a lot better about your guitar playing. I am glad you found justins.

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Well that was a good read and it just about sums my guitar journey up and probably a few more that hang out in this community, an awesome community and we will make you welcome and help you any way we can just shout out, I can’t give any advice you have it all from members I know because I am part of this group so please enjoy Cheers Hec

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A very warm welcome to the community. It’s a very supportive environment, lots of great people and great to interact in a positive way with other guitarists. I think that many of us could clearly learn a lot from you, given your experience.

Best, Ian


I do use the same username on Discord. I floated through a couple of guitar discords maybe a year or two ago, but was never a frequent poster!

I feel like maybe if we collectively agree to ignore nastiness and be brave, we can short-circuit a lot of the bad behavior that shows up in guitar spaces. I figure life’s too short to worry too much about what other people think. This is the attitude I’m trying to move forward with this year! Besides, nobody gets better as a player without pushing through rough patches. Isn’t it unreasonable that we should expect those rough patches to only happen alone, in private?

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That’s very kind Ian, thank you.

Hm, I do use Discord, but not for guitar stuff. I don’t think that’s where I remembered the username from, anyway. Maybe you have an evil twin somewhere?

yeah, I definitely do my best to avoid places where the nastiness pervades. and where it pops up occasionally, do my best to discourage it.

There’s a local guitar group that I’ve been interested in joining for awhile. They were well above me the first time I showed up for one of their jams, and while they tried to be welcoming, I was just lost. I feel like I’ve learned enough in the past several months that I can keep up a bit better now. So I went to their beginner meet on Saturday. I found it to be really great. Folks were welcoming and supportive, and being a smaller group, it was much easier for me to ease into it. Hopefully they can avoid a bunch of the negativity, so we’ll see.

My wife started playing ukulele about a year ago and she’s found similar variability in the uke community. She’s found groups and individuals she likes to play with, and others that are less so. At first all she found were the supportive groups and was surprised about the negative encounters I’ve had or seen. But she’s now been in long enough that she’s starting to see the same stuff. And also making a concerted effort to be a force for good/positivity in that community. It’s a challenge, for sure.

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