Hello from Poland

Hello from a small town in Poland. I’m 42 years old and I started learning to play the guitar not too long ago. Initially, I began with the electric guitar, but I soon also got an acoustic one, which at the moment gives me more pleasure - something that surprised me. My progress is slow because I don’t have much time for it, but since I’m doing it for pleasure, there’s no rush.


Cześć, Marcin! :slight_smile:
It’s so nice to be able to welcome another fellow-countryman here.
This is a very nice, friendly community, providing an excellent environment for learning, sharing experience and music, or just chatting :wink:
I’m sure you’ll soon feel at home here.
I’m at an age of retirement, so I have plenty of time for playing (chiefly electric guitars).
I wish you good luck and lots of satisfaction from your learning process. It is, indeed, lots of fun!


Hi Marcin,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Luckily for you, learning slowly is a good thing with guitar… neatly and slowly then the music will naturally emerge :smiley: and than later when lots of time is there for you :dizzy::smile:



Hi Marcin, and it is nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy Cheers HEC

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Welcome to the forum Marcin

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Hi Marcin, welcome to the Community, take it easy but most of all have fun


Welcome, Marcin! Like you, I’m surprised how drawn I am to my acoustic guitar. There’s something about the simplicity of an acoustic that I find pleasing. You’ll have many more guitar-related surprises in your future!


Welcome Marcin!
I took the same way - moving from electric more to acoustic and can relate!
Warm welcome, have fun with the guitar and the community!

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Hi Marcin, welcome to the community forum.

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Hello Marcin & Welcome!!!

Both electric & acoustic have their good points & drawbacks. I think it’s good to find a balance between the two… that way when you’ve moved from the Beginner stages towards Intermediate Level guitarist, you’ll be proficient on both!
The key is finding what is fun & brings you the most joy… when you’re happy playing, you’ll play more & the more you play, the better you get, the more joy you experience!!!
Enjoy learning & getting better every day!!! :grin:

Tod from New Mexico, USA

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Welcome to the community Marcin. I too find myself enjoying acoustic more than electric, but have been playing electric more lately because of the Blues Immersion Course that I am taking from Justin. Enjoy the ride!

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Welcome Marcin its about having fun and learning will keep the interest there enjoy :+1:


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