Hello from Sound_Bound in the UK

Hi Sound_Bound, welcome. When you’re listening your recordings remember to watch not only for what needs improvement but also for what is sounding good. Keep getting joy out of playing guitar.


@Sound_Bound I see some similarities in my journey. I did most of my initial learning on a classical guitar - playing open chords out of a beginner pop book. I also tried the Learn & Master guitar series and quit after getting halfway through. It is still collecting dust on a shelf. I wasn’t motivated because it had no popular songs. When I found Justin’s website and started learning from his song lesson videos I knew I had found my answer to where to learn guitar.

Good luck in your journey learning guitar and have fun playing songs.


Hello sound_bound and welcome to the community.
What a great introduction.
It heartens me every time I read that a fellow guitarist has assessed their play and taken the decision to step back in order to take many more, and much more enjoyable, steps forward.

Welcome and hope you will play some wonderful music. :star_struck:

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