Hi everyone. I’m from the colonies, New Hampshire to be exact. I’m an older beginner player interested in the Blues. My grown kids are all musical and I have time for myself now. Bought myself an SG and an amp and am following Justin’s beginner course. Waiting for fingers to callus up so I can put in more time. Best of luck to everyone here. Cheers!
Hi Theodore,
Welcome, You already have your last name to your advantage
…I wish you lots of fun and a nice learning curve
Welcome to the forum Tad
Hi Tad, Welcome! I hope you play fenders!
Welcome to the community Tad. There’s always room for more and room for more oldies too - our kennel is ever expanding: Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?
Ask if you need any guidance or help.
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Moderator
Hi Tad, Welcome to the community. I’m an older learner from NH, too. It’s the season here to get a lot of play time / callus development in. JG is great place to learn and the community is friendly and helpful. Enjoy the journey.
Hey Tad. Welcome to the community. I remember wanting to practice for 15 minutes a day when I first started and yet the pain before my calluses developed meant I could only play for 5 minutes max. So I did that 3 times a day. Doesn’t take all that long for calluses to develop. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Ah the ol sore fingertips thing.
Justin has a lesson on minimizing that.
Hi Tad. Welcome to the community.
Welcome Tad.
Welcome Tad! Great to have you here! All the best with your journey, can’t wait to hear more on your progress down the track
Welcome Tad. Sore fingers will go soon. Plenty of older people on the forum so you are in good company
Hello Tad, and a warm Welcome to the community . It’s a very friendly place to be.
I wish you lots of fun with your six-string-friend .
Hi Tad, welcome to the community
Hello and welcome to our community Tad.
Enjoy your guitar adventure.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
A very warm welcome to the Community Tad…so nice that you chosed to introduce yourself at the very beginning of your guitar journey! Wish you a lot of fun with your six-strings friend!
Thanks for the warm welcome from everyone.
Hi Tad, it’s Tod - from NM (not exactly a “Colony” but we’ve been here a long time!). The main advice I give to people new to guitar is to keep it fun!!! Try to pick up the “6-string nemesis” whenever you can, even if it’s just for a few minutes… that’ll help with finger pain too!
Good luck!!!