Hello from Tim - superskuj =]

Hello! I’m superskuj (Tim) and I’m trying to return to practice!

I’ve been playing about five years I think, I tried to start a few times before that but I don’t think I lasted more than two weeks any of those times. I basically overpracticed scales until it hurt, and didn’t develop any practical skills, then gave up!

This time, however, I finally stuck with it and it’s been an enriching hobby since. I believe Justin’s level of detail with breaking down the most fundamental skills, and reinforcing good habits and practice is a very effective way to learn. Great for conceptualization and understanding, things I lacked when I tried before.

I don’t get to play everyday unfortunately, I’m mostly a weekend player (and I want to spend more time on other instruments if I can) but I hope I can change that soon. I started out practicing very well, and benefiting greatly from it, but once I learned enough to go rogue I started skipping around and learning random things, and just playing for fun! Nothing wrong with that of course, and I still feel like I have learned and improved in the last few years, but there’s no doubt that structured practice is necessary to make the improvements that I’d like to make as a guitarist.

I think I’d like to start a practice log thread, to hopefully help me stay consistent, and to assess my skills against the lessons and see where the gaps are in my skills… I think I’m solid on grades 1 and 2, mostly good on 3, and have some random skills from 4 or 5. I might record some skills tests to grade myself before moving on, I think that would be fun. Then set some goals and build a practice routine and (hopefully) stick to it!

Also maybe a thread for “work in progress” original things, I don’t have completed original songs but I make up chord progressions, or practice layering/recording/looping all the time so it might be neat to post random things in a single thread, if that’s an appropriate thing to do here. And maybe someday I will even complete a song!

My biggest musical inspiration is The Grateful Dead. I don’t feel like I have much musical preference with regards to genre, any kind of music can sound good to me, but I mostly find myself listening to The Grateful Dead and classical. I like experimenting, and doing random things and seeing what happens, and I hope to learn from many different people with many different skills and experiences!

This feels a bit long winded, in summary… hi =]


Welcome to the forum Tim

Hi Tim & Welcome!

Follow Justin’s courses from Grade 1 on & you’ll fill in any gaps in your fundamentals while having fun and learning new skills and songs!
Good luck!!!


Hi Tim

You can start a practice log HERE

Take a look around and see how others do this. You can also record your Projects WIP in that log as well and when you think they are ready, share them HERE

Welcome to the Community,


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Hi Tim,
Welcome to the community,
It’s great that you are thinking about your playing constructively and putting a practice routine in place - this will really help you,
Enjoy your playing!

Welcome Tim! Have a good time here. I guess you are on the right track to find balance between constructively practicing and playing for fun!

Hi Tim,

Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! To clarify, I have learned all my guitar skills from Justin, his lessons are what made the difference between my failed attempts to start playing and my successful attempt. I just stopped being a good student after a while and want to get back on track =]

Welcome Tim. Enjoy the journey with the fine people here at Justin Guitar. A fun warm-up Dead song is Ripple - three chords and simple strumming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmMjY6tXaEo

Welcome aboard, Tim! :smiley:

Sounds like you’re already well on your way with your guitar journey. Enjoy the ride! :slight_smile:

Hey Tim, welcome to the forum. I struggled when I first started learning by playing scales. Made little progress with them at that stage, discovered for me it was all about songs. Once I learned my first song all the way through and started playing it regularly, I was off and running and never looked back. Obviously it’s a very personal thing, your mileage may vary. Have fun!

Welcome to the community Tim!

A beautiful song! This one is on my list actually, it is fairly simple to play but singing along with it is challenging, well to be fair singing while playing anything is challenging lol.

Yep exactly, though I don’t even play songs very much, mostly just chord progressions. I just enjoy playing music so anything musical feels good. Scales just… aren’t musical, as important as they are to music. I believe my thought process back then was that chords seemed impossible, so I needed to strengthen my fingers to make it easier hehe. But I never seemed to get better at chords and the thing I never did was practice chords!

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Welcome to THAT club too.

Hi Tim, welcome to the community forum. I got off track when I tried to do the grade 4 foundations scales and exercises and then was bored and quit. I tried a lot of other sources but was unsatisfied with not having progress over time. I finally found my progress while following the courses in grade 3 and reviewed all the lessons in grades 1 and 2 and started learning and recording songs., using what I leaned from Justin’s song lessons on the website. I try to play a little guitar every day when I first wake up. I even set my alarm 10 minutes early to make sure I have more time. I keep a log of weekly and daily activities and make sure now to learn something new, review what I have learned in earlier grades, but also have days for just playing songs . I hope you have fun this time around and are inspired to keep playing guitar.

Hello Tim. Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
