Hello there from Drew in USA

Hello everyone I’m an aspiring guitarist from the states. This my second attempt at learning through the Justin Guitar program. I’ve been back for nearly a month after a two year hiatus.

I find it interesting that even though I had forgotten most of what I know, how fast it came back. I’m up to module 6 and working on chord changes in the middle of the strumming pattern.


welcome back :slight_smile:


Here’s a short clip of today’s attempt.

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Hi Drew,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and Perseverance this time :sunglasses:


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Welcome (back) aboard, Drew! :smiley:

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Aaron here, 38 years old with Autism and taking my 1st guitar course.
already loving the prep work :smiley:


:wave: Welcome! :wave:

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Hi Drew, welcome to the community forum and welcome back to Justin’s lessons. I hope that the second time learning guitar is even more fun than the first time.

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Welcome back

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Welcome back, Drew.

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Hi Aaron , @AaronAddams
Welcome here . :smiley:
And I just clicked on your avatar and I see that you are also participating in the Blues course, where we all introduce ourselves in a single topic, here we say “hello” to someone in their own topic and if I understand correctly you want to be yourself Just introduce yourself here in the open community? If that is the case, you can do that here … Introduce yourzelf… I wish you a lot of fun here and of course at BLIM, :sunglasses:

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A sensible move Drew. Stick with the program and you’ll be fine !

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Hi Drew & Welcome (again)!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

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Hi Drew
Welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: :sunflower:

Thanks so much, all done now :slight_smile:

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Welcome back to the community Drew!

Welcome back Drew! Enjoy immersion enjoy the ride!!

Hello Drew.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
