Heyo, Muhammad from Egypt ^.^

Hi hi, wanted to drop by, say hi. I’ve been following Justin’s course for a few months. I picked up guitar with the hope of being able to play some of the songs I love (old rock and metal songs mostly) and maybe make some music of my own some day

I’m more excited than ever after I got this new guitar and amp. I always wanted a les paul and a nice, decently loud amp to go along with it and I’m very pleased with what I got

I recently learned the intro and chorus bits for Highway to Hell, Anarchy in the UK, Seven Nation Army and I’m struggling with Enter Sandman, but we’ll get there :3

If you have any suggestions for cool rock or metal songs I should have a go at, do let me know, especially if they use power chords.

I wish you all the best <3


Welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

This week I learned a simple 3 chord song. Bob Seger’s Old time rock and roll.

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Hello Muhammad. Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.



Hello Muhammad! Welcome to the community. Enjoy learning with the new gear!

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Welcome Muhammad! I always fancied playing Highway to Hell , ACDC, maybe I’ll get round to it one day. Struggling along with some fingerpicking at the moment. All good fun though!

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Hi Muhammad,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Follow the course in a somewhat structured way and all your guitar dreams that you now have will come true and the songs will present themselves … in the songs section you can search at the level where you are now, and the nice thing is that Justin often uses simple versions are shown and heard and that in those lessons the more difficult things are often shown that you will later “naturally” grow into (or you can look a little ahead to learn that dream song a little better at this time )

Your start is 100% …Justin and nice gear :sunglasses:



مرحبا محمد
I hope your excitement and pleasure continues :smiley:

Apologies, I couldn’t help myself :rofl:
(From the Middle East… of Germany)

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Welcome to the Community Muhammad. nice to meet you.

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Welcome aboard, Muhammad! :smiley:

Wish you lots of fun on your guitar journey and rocking on! :metal: :slight_smile:

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I just gave it a listen, the song’s pretty nifty, I might learn it too actually :smile: thanks for pointing it out

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You did say you liked rock and roll. G C D. Easy song. I use Justin’s thumb and finger technique to give it a strong back beat.

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Welcome to the forum Muhammad.

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Welcome, Muhammad. I’ve been learning some Creedence Clearwater Revival. I’m particularly fond of Bad Moon Rising, a 3-chord song and I’m having a lot of fun playing it. Can’t help with the metal stuff, but I know others can. Have fun.

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Welcome, Muhammad!

If you drop a short video/audio of you playing, I’d be more than happy to recommend songs for you to learn. Knowing your level, skill set, and especially, things you need to improve would help with the song selection. I am sure the community would also give you helpful feedback.

If you don’t think you are ready to record yourself or share your progress, that’s completely fine. We’ll be here when you are ready.

Hope you enjoy your time here.


Welcome Muhammad,

I believe I have that same Epiphone with an Orange crush practice amp. I love that guitar so much it is lots of fun to play, but it does tend to go out of tune regularly.

That said, I would recommend just about any song you can play by Neil Young, he has a lot of simple stuff but in particular Hey Hey My My, which is easy to play, has a little riff mixed in with the 4-5 chords and sounds really good with some heavy distortion. I am pretty sure Justin references Neil Young many times a long the beginner courses.

Best of Luck on your journey!
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

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HI brother. just enjoy. try 12 bar blues.

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Welcome to the group and may I say what a great choice in music you’re rocking. Hope you enjoy it here

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If you have any suggestions for cool rock or metal songs I should have a go at, do let me know, especially if they use power chords.

Hi Muhammad, welcome to the community forum. I don’t know if you have reached grade 2 yet, but if you are still in grade 1, it doesn’t hurt to look ahead to see where you will be going with your lessons while you are consolidating your skills for grade 1.

Module 12 in grade 2 will introduce rock power chords and there is a list of songs using power chords in the “Awesome Power Chord Songs” lesson on the JG website.

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Hello Muhammed & Welcome!

I’m currently learning “I Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. It’s ALL Power chords & Justin has a good lesson for it!!!

Have fun & cool Les Paul!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

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Hi Muhammad
Welcome to the community forum :smiling_face:
You’re in the right place with Justin’s lessons
Sweet guitar and gear! :smiley: :sunglasses:
I love Enter Sandman! so much fun

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