Heyo, Muhammad from Egypt ^.^

Hey there, I did actually have a short video that I had recorded of me just messing around with power chords, it’s not letting me upload MP4 files though, not sure how I can work around that.

Hi, I did kinda skip ahead because I really wanted to learn power chords a little earlier, so I’ll probably be exploring those songs listed there, thanks <3

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I had that same problem at first, until someone explained how to show a video or sound clip. You have to create an account in YouTube and upload your video there and then copy to link to this site.
I would recommend setting your YouTube video privacy settings to unlisted at first. Then only people you share the link with can see the video. It occurred to me that MP4 is just an audio recording format. For audio files I have set up a Sound Cloud account to upload and shared the link in this site.

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Hey there, thanks for the tip about Youtube @SteveL_G99 . I uploaded the clip and here it is: https://youtu.be/ApH1x5Rr6O8

Pardon the poor mic quality, I used my phone and it doesn’t do the guitar and amp justice, they sound better than this in real life.

Muhammad, your video is set to “Private”, so I can’t see the video. If you want to share, go to YouTube and set the privacy setting to “Unlisted”.

Welcome to the community Muhammad!

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@SteveL_G99 Sorry, I’m not particularly savvy with this stuff. I went ahead and changed it. Lemme know if that works now

@MuhammadMamdouh That works great now. You have a good start with learning power chords. Justin will give you some tips on the sliding from one power chord to the next and strumming tips. Have fun learning.

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