Hi all nice to meet you - I'm Andy

Hi, just to introduce myself to the community.
My name is Andy and I have been playing guitar for some years now.
When I say ‘playing’ guitar, what I mean is I pick up the guitar every 6 months or so, play for a few weeks then put away again…no progress whatsoever.
Up until last Christmas, I was playing an acoustic that my lovely wife brought me a few years earlier.
My also lovely daughters got me a second hand electric for Xmas and my wife got the amp and I haven’t looked back since.
That’s when I discovered Justin!!!
His teachings have kept me enthused and excited, and I can see real progress.
Thanks to Justin, I have developed a love of blues music and the blues language.
The next step on my journey will be the blues immersion workshop ( I hate the word ‘journey’ ).
Oh, did I mention I will be 59 this year, I feel I have a whole life of music ahead of me, never too old and all that.
Thanks for letting me be part of a fantastic community.
Cheers !!!


Hi Andy, welcome to the family! Your history of years of intermittent playing without real progress will resonate with many here - it certainly does with me. If you haven’t already you may enjoy taking a look at this post:


Welcome to the community! I too am closing fast on 59, and we are in good company at this age. Justin has been an even keel to my learning for 3 years, and thank goodness because the rest of me is luffing.

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welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum Andy

Welcome to JGC forum, Andy, … “enthused and excited” with your rediscovered “commitment” is all you need, sir.
Enjoy the ride !

Hi Andy, welcome to the community forum.

Welcome Andy, I’m 66 and just recently started learning and loving it.

Hey Andy, nice to meet you. I started playing when I was 53 and now that I’m 66 I’m just thrilled with the reward that being able to play music does for me.

Hi Andy,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Welcome Andy!

Welcome Andy, sounds like you’re on a bang on path, keep on strumming! :slight_smile: :guitar:

Hallo Andy, welcome to the JG family. You’re never too old to start playing guitar.
There are a lot of older people starting to play an instrument. As a 72 year young man I started my journey last april when I found the Justin course on YouTube. I hope your new journey does not stop after 6 months as you wrote in your text. Succes and have lots of fun.

Regards from the Netherlands

Hi Andy, nice back story and it sounds so familiar :grinning:. Looking forwards to seeing that Course too so I’ll probably see you about. :+1: