Hi from Eva in Germany

I don’t have a log yet - I’m really thinking about starting one (franzeks late leaning log would be the title then :smile:). If I only had a bit more time…
I’m currently working out of Prague at the moment, but once I’m back I’ll definitely provide you the list. It will be a long one, I’m probably working on too many songs at once. Like you, I need variety, to keep me interested. I’m learning songs that contain the F barre chord, songs that I can sing along to, and songs in 6:8 timing for my fingerstyle beginnings.

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Hello Gunhild, and thank you for the welcome! :slight_smile: It looks like there are a lot of Germans here^^

I stumbled upon Justin’s fingerstyle tutorial on youtube, and I’ve been learning from his videos ever since. I just love the sound and feel of it, it’s just so cool!

When I started, I gradually watched all of Justin’s grade one and two videos, and I peeked at the topics for grade three. Just to get a feel for the course, and what’s important, and where I would find the information if I needed it. And, quite frankly, to see if it was a good course or not, but I suspected that it was good from the very first video, and knew I was right by the third^^ I am very grateful I found Justin’s course.

I also wish you a lot of fun and success on your own journey! :sunflower:


I know the feeling :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to your list, if you can find the time. It was quite surprising when I wrote down all the songs, and saw how many there were already. But sometimes, it is also nice to take stock and see what is already there, I think.

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Welcome to the forum Eva

Welcome Eva.

@stitch and @Boris1565 Thank you!

Hi Eva welcome onboard, enjoy the ride.

Hi Eva! Welcome aboard!!

The community is a great place to bring your questions and give back to others!

Hope you continue to join in the discussions here with the JG Community.

Hello Eva & Welcome!!!

One piece of advice I offer to people new to learning guitar is to keep you guitar on a stand OR hanging on the wall somewhere that is easily available. Then, when you only have 5 or 10 minutes (I like to pick mine up for a few minutes while the coffee is brewing in the morning) and play or practice something that you’re having a bit of difficulty with! Those extra few minutes here & there in your day really make a difference in how fast things progress!!!

Keep it fun and enjoy your six-stringed friends!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA


Hello Eva, welcome to the community forum. I keep it interesting by trying to watch as many of Justin’s song lesson videos as I can. Even the grade 1 song videos can have more advanced techniques added after the beginning lesson is given. An example is grade 1 song lesson for Mad World. At the 6:10 time in the video, Justin shows a simple fingerstyle version. In grade 2 the classic songs Can’t Help Falling in Love and Always on My Mind have interesting chord variations and fingerstyle. I also keep it interesting by alternating weeks between exploring new lessons and the next week practicing older lessons and using in songs for consolidation of skills. Have fun with guitar and learning songs.

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Hey Eva, welcome to the community! Look forward to hearing more from you.

Welcome to the community Eva! I love playing Fingerstyle and Folk too, it’s a lovely way to play. I hope you enjoy yourself here, there is so much to discover.

Cheers, Rich

Hello Eva, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.
I also love playing fingerstyle (although, strumming comes easier to me :sweat_smile:). But the sound on a steelstring is so beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.
I wish you lots of fun with Justin’s course and hope to hear more from you :smiley:.
Have fun :guitar::smiling_face:!


Welcome Eva. All the best on your guitar journey :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

The next German, stepping in to say “hello”. Welcome Eva, seems as if you’ve already made a great start at playing guitar. I read your log entry and you are already doing pretty advanced stuff! Hope you have a great time here. It’s a very supporting place and you’ll get support from many other fellow guitar learners. Where in Germany are you located? I’m in the very south.

I completely forgot to write about the good old Reinhard. A few months ago, I had a try on “Über den Wolken” Fingerstyle, like you, I remember this song well from childhood and it’s such a lively tune until today. I only did a very basic pattern, the original is some complicated 16th note picking I didn’t try yet. It was already hard enough to sing (never realized that until now). Hard to get thee hights when you start higher and vice versa. Work in progress…


Welcome to the community Eva!

Thank you so much for all the warm welcoming words, it feels great to be on a forum where people actually take the time to talk with each other :hibiscus:

Jupp, first things I bought after my sister gave me the old family guitar was a capo, some strings, and a stand. Because I know myself, and, well, out of sight, out of mind… So yeah, my two beauties are chilling right next to my couch, and I often pick them up and just absentmindedly pick away while I am watching TV.

That video is how I got into fingerstyle, actually. I was amazed at how easy it was once I got the chords down, and it clicked way easier than strumming. Because I had a few problems with rhythm and strumming at first, but fingerstyle was just so smooth from the start. It’s why I love it so much, probably^^

Very much so for me as well. I learned the Mey picking pattern, and tried it, and it worked reasonably well, and I was like ‘OK, so what’s the big deal with this?’. I even started to make up my own lyrics, because my mum is entering retirement in the fall, and I want to play this for her, with lyrics that are about the occasion. Because just like you, Reinhard Mey was a staple in our home, and one of the few concerts my mother went to was him. Anyway, I played it my way, and then I found a live performance on youtube, and found out that it is played twice as fast as I thought! And I was like, wtf, I cannot play this, it’s way too difficult!! But I have most of the lyrics already finished, and so now I’m using a metronome to get me there. I recently started singing to it again, and lemme tell you, it’s rough, and very slow and uneven. But I got a bit of time still, so I’m hopeful it’ll work out.


Hi Eva, welcome. Good you’re progressing well with your guitar playing. Should you at some point hit a roadblock (trying to learn something that is supposed to be at your level, but feeling it’s well beyond it) just make adjustments to your practice as needed and keep practicing to find the way around. Should you hit a plateau (where the interest in playing or practicing fades) set new achievable goals, like learning a new technique, or a new strumming or finger style pattern, find new songs to learn or new ways to play a known song, or discover any new guitar or music related subject that can reignite the interest in the guitar. For me it works keeping a regular systematic technique practice combined with learning songs without rushing them, and playing some known ones. Good luck with the song you want to play for your mum. Have fun.


Hi Eva
Welcome to the community :smiling_face:
Best wishes and enjoy your guitar journey :guitar: :sunflower:


Hello Eva.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
