Hi from Sunder in Houston, Texas!

Hello everyone! My name is Sunder, I’m 22, and I’m from Houston, Texas. I bought an acoustic guitar for myself a few months ago, but I got too in my head with how slow my progress was and gave up fairly quickly. I ended up stumbling across Justin’s website recently and browsing through it has really motivated me to try again! I’m gonna try to pace myself a lot better this time so I don’t lose hope like last time haha.

My favorite music genres are pop and folk :smiley_cat:. My love for Art Lown, Barbara Dane, and Taylor Swift were huge motivators for me to buy a guitar in the first place. I hope to make good progress and have fun learning with all of you here!


Hey Sunder, welcome to the community. Playing guitar does take a little bit of perseverance with a really wonderful reward for the hard work. Hang in there, you won’t regret it.

Hi Sunder @sundernava, and welcome to the community! You’ve come to the right place to learn guitar. Justin’s lessons are excellent, and this community provides great support. Looking forward to hearing about your journey as you progress. Tony mentioned perseverance, you mentioned pace; I’ll add another “p” word: patience. The practice part goes without saying! They’ll all lead to progress. :smiling_face:

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Hi Sunder, a warm welcome to the community! The three Ps already have been mentioned :wink:, it’s so true! I would add a good self management of expectations :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: helps a lot in terms of motivation. You’ve found a great and supporting place here. Reach out, whenever you need help or get stuck :hibiscus:! Maybe have a look at the Club Sessions too, where Approved Teachers offer additional guidance for lots of interesting issues live via Zoom.

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Hello Sunder. Work through Justin’s lessons methodically and you’ll be surprised at the progress you start to make. If you’re using the website, after watching the lesson be sure to scroll down and read the lesson notes as there is a lot of valuable information in them. My analogy is ‘ slow and steady wins the race ‘. All the best :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Sunder,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a long life of playing :sunglasses:

Now here in this place where you are (justinguitar) and the help you can find here (community) there is no more reason not to succeed and become a proud guitar player :smiley:


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Hello Sunder
a warm welcome to the community :smiling_face:
very good to hear you made it back to guitar :smiley:
you are definitely in the right place for learning and this community is friendly and supportive
have lots of fun and best wishes on your guitar journey :sunflower: :guitar:

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Welcome to the forum Sunder

welcome :slight_smile:

Hello Sunder :slightly_smiling_face:

A warm welcome to the forum! :sunflower:

Great that you’ve found the website. Parts of your guitar story sound quite familiar to me. Like you, I’ve started to learn in my early twenties (I’m 52 now), but gave up soon. Unfortunately there had been no Justin, no YouTube and not even the internet 30 years ago :wink:
Now I’m here for nearly one year and still enjoying every minute. You’ve found the perfect place to make good progress very soon, and Justin even has some Taylor Swift tutorials. I’m sure you’ll like them a lot.

Have lots of fun on your musical journey and don’t forget the three “ps” that have been mentioned here already :smiley: :guitar:

Greetings from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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Hello Sunder & Welcome!!!

I’m going to add another “P”… well PT…
Practice Time! I always advise people new to their guitar journey to purchase a stand or wall hook to keep the guitar easier to pick up and play! If you keep it in a case in the closet, it often feels like too much effort to get it out, open up the case/gig bag and start playing - especially when you only have 5 or 10 minutes!
I like to start the coffee maker in the AM & play scales or chord progressions until that first cup is ready!!!
Good luck & keep it fun!!!

Tod (from next door in New Mexico) :grin:


It’s frustrating, I know. I have been learning for the past two plus years and still struggle getting to the barre chord when they come up during a transition from an open chord to the barre. What has helped me is to find a trigger that I can use so my fingers respond. That trigger is calling out “barre” and it has improved my response. It’s still far from perfect but just the fact I’m getting my fingers to respond is positive.

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Hi Sunder, welcome to the community forum. If you go to the JG website song tab or section you can filter by artist and find 7 song lesson tutorials for Taylor Swift songs - three songs are grade 1 level. Have fun as you follow Justin’s lessons step by step and have fun learning to play the songs you love at each grade level.

Hi Sunder. Good you got motivated to try again with the guitar. Have fun.

Hi Sunder.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
