G’day Tom, If the F chord is an issue I’d suggest a setup by experienced luthier to make sure nut is cut correctly and the action not too high. Made a huge difference on my cheap acoustic.
I also found barre chords easier to play on my electric guitar when starting.
Try playing barre chord shapes higher up the neck to get the fingering and shapes down pat. Also, lots of ways to play F without a barre. Focus effort on the bits you enjoy, you can come back to barres any time.
As others have said enjoy the journey.
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Welcome! I’ve owned a guitar for over 50 years. While I never really quit and started over, I didn’t dedicate myself to getting any good at playing guitar either. I retired a little over 4 years ago and started Justin’s course. I started with lesson one as if I knew nothing. Even if I felt I was beyond a level, I still worked through and practiced it as if it were my first time. I’m 71 now and would say I’m a competent intermediate player.
If your mind and hands are healthy, you should be able to become an accomplished player. But expecting it to happen overnight will lead to disappointment. It takes time, practice and dedication.