How can we as a community help Justin and Team and Us?

Not at all. Just take the right people with the right mindset and things will be rolling. :wink:

I just happen to come from a community, where all is voluntary and many many things have come about. Land bought, houses build, gardens made etc etc etc. There are also translation copyright issues, which we have managed in a way, so now all texts now is free, due to people with the right mindset made this happen. I was among those who started up that projects and it’s now running worldwide. Just to mention one of the projects I started 15 years ago. - That time I faced exact same type of creativity killing as I do now with all this copyright talk. :wink:

Recently I have entered a local community, where a small group of people have made it a place for those in need. Again people who are willing to put in some effort and have the right mindset.

Justin have done this.
You can also take all the open source software as examples and the list is almost endless.

We are some people around in the world, who are able to make things happen. So you and others can enjoy some cool stuff.

The 2 biggest obstacles in most cases, are people who are jealous and those filled with greed. Those are the biggest creativity killers.

Those drum samples I have made and the sheets for my own exercises, you can’t use the copyright argument.
Those who compose their own songs and put under full common creative license and those handed over as a gift, also is not within the sphere of your copyright talk.

So again, it just take the right people with the right mindset to get things rolling. Us who have this, are already donating what we can and never cease to offer more. We make things happen for those who doesn’t have the funds and even for those who are too stingy to support with funds.

I dedicated rest of my life to help where ever I can 30 years ago. I will continue to do that, no matter what you and other people say. :heart: :pray:

Of course, but that takes enough people with the right mindset, that mindset being that it’s worth doing, has significant value to Justin and the Community, is worth dealing with the complexity and (potentially) cost, and are willing to commit time to do it.

At the moment, I don’t see many others on this community with this mindset for these specific suggestions.

I don’t many others that you have convinced that these ideas are good.

I consider that to be a personal attack.

All that has happened is that others have pointed out the challenges and pitfalls of some of the things you propose, particularly with respect to legal issues.

Of course none of that means these things could not be done with enough time, effort, and (potentially) cost.

But you have to convince other people that it is worthwhile doing these things; that it is worth the considerable time, effort, and cost to build this.

And, so far, you haven’t done that.

So I would thank you for not attacking other members by a accusing them of “creativity killing” when they provide a perfectly reasonable analysis of your suggestions, just because your justification of why anyone should support them is lacking.

Rather than Ad Hominem attacks on other Community members, how about you come up with an analysis of the time, effort, and cost it would take against the value it brings. That way you might convince people.

Or come up with some better ideas :roll_eyes:



@kimlodrodawa and @Majik

Intended to stay out of this, but after reading those latest entries, I can’t.

Several years ago, I have been a volunteer in a very small non-profit organization aiming to help immigrants to Finland . I left that association in Dec. 2020, because I just did not like the direction anymore in which the association was heading.

Even if it was a small association we had several projects and project meetings. Often people did not agree with each other and obviously there sometimes were some arguments too. What I learned from these situations is that risk analysis is needed and very much so. Thus I do agree perfectly with @Majik on this issue.

@kimlodrodawa I do understand that for you being a Buddhist volunteering and helping is essential. That’s very noble and surely the world could need more people like this. While I imagine that some of your ideas are feasible, others may not be :slightly_smiling_face: But that’s how it always goes in projects. Maybe you could consider not to put so much pressure on yourself and others, if you somehow can :slightly_smiling_face:

Confessedly, I would have a somewhat bad conscience using this website and community for free. Accordingly, I invested in the app, the strumming courses and the song tabs. That’s all I want to allow myself to spend for a hobby at the moment, but I will ask for a Community Open Mic shirt for my birthday in November :slightly_smiling_face:

@kimlodrodawa I have been a member of this community for less than a month, and right now I feel that you somehow put me under pressure. I realize, that’s not your intention. But I could imagine that other people reading your posts might feel a similar kind of pressure.

I don’t understand where is the rush and urgency here. Why not simply take a deep breath and wait for the feedback @Richard_close2u will give at some point? :slightly_smiling_face:


Agree strongly. Everyone has opinions, execution is everything.

The reality is that Justin is running a business, and a good one at that. Not a commune. He makes his own content and has people that help with some of that. There are loads of places on the internet already that do community created content.


Thanks a lot for your reply.
Why would people feel any pressure? I have no clue. I never feel any pressure and I know a lot of people who also never feel such thing. This is certainly not about putting mental pressure on some. I am not the one who keep replying with giving funds is the only valid option :wink:

Anyway, all this is actually providing me with some really good stuff for my next song, that I already have started to compose. :joy: :joy: :joy:
I might use a line from some of the replies here. I hope you don’t sue me for copyright infringement :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Remember to have fun and enjoy every moment :heart: :pray:

See, then something positive is already coming from this :slightly_smiling_face: I will take the liberty to ignore your comment on copyright infringement :slightly_smiling_face:

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I agree with @roger_holland
Wait and see what Justin has to say. If he thinks there’s something good here then you can all work together to bring it about.
You’ll find that hard to do if you start arguing and getting uppity with each other now.


And possibly not, if this is about community created content for the purposes of teaching anyone. !

Why would they assert any copyrights at all, as per the origianl post the attached file has no copyright notcie :slight_smile:

There would have to be an agreement that no one who post material for aiding other asserts copyright (that if you post they will be automatically forgo )


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Only if it’s entirely original content. In that case that is easily handled by license management. People are already free to upload and link the community to such material, and some people already do. It’s mostly original songs or jams, but there’s nothing stopping people uploading original backing tracks, drum loops, or whatever.

But if it is, in any way, derived from someone else’s work (including covers, backing tracks tabs or transcriptions of commercial songs) then copyright can come into play with the potential and real issue of law suits.

That is irrespective of whether the use is teaching or not.




Going G - D - Am - Em - C - Am - D - G. - A little tune and song about being free :wink:

Here is a little Song,
You can use for Free,
I have a good Heart,
And not any greed,

I can give this for free,
Because I have a good mind,
That’s how it Is,
When not being Blind

That’s how it Is,
When not being Blind.

By Kim Lodro Dawa - 1st June 2023

This little song is now done under creative common license.
I can choose to give it as a gift to Justin, it can be a “Justin Guitar - Creative Community Team” and under the umbrella of JG and so many different ways.

It is an easy little tune, it provide some shifts between these open chords we learn in the start.
The lyric is easy to change. It could become an advertisement for Justin Guitar.
Extra verses can be added to describe the hard work Justin and Team does.
Some can make jazzy version of it. Some can make a western version etc etc etc

Sheet can be provided, so people actually can print out. Some prefer going to a place without internet and all that jazz, and these sheets being made can be printed without any issues.

These loop is also excellent for training finger picking. All strings for the bass is present. It is easy for me to make the tabs and again those sheets can be printed without any issues.
I have already put some stuff at my learning log, which is all under Creative Common License and is free for all.
Also as I wrote there, all I make is a gift to Justin and Team, because without them and some cool people who helped, I would for sure not have come this far already.
There have been some people who have liked the songs, and it was not people who usually say something out of politeness :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: So not only the birds at my creeky place like my songs, or at least doesn’t scold me, and I my myself, which luv my songs, there are maybe a few others who also think something fun come out of it. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Remember to have fun. I need to meet up with a dude who have a most wonderful voice. He have been singing before. Maybe I can hook him on the mic. I am not the best singer. Cool when more people can join. - Take care and remember to have fun and enjoy and rejoice in creativity and just enjoy. Guitar is a cool instrument and so much fun, when fingertips not hurting toooooo much :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Another idea that could spring out from such a group of people, A Community Creativity Team or what it could be called: Was that many different people come together and among them most likely also some who are good at mixing.

The creativity team compose something at different level, though still something people can learn fairly fast, like my small loops. The mixers put it together and suddenly there is the Justin Guitar and Community band :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Things like that would also bond us more together, as we are all guitar players, musicians, artists etc etc etc. “We all Sail in a Yellow Submarine, . Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine”. :wink: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Some lyrics from Beatles were seriously cool, wrapped in mystery, deep :wink: :sunglasses: :pray:

So many things could come out of this. Challenges are not that hard to make either and a lot of fun. Also try guess the key that the little free song is :wink: - Theory challenge :wink: Chord progression etc etc etc


You really need to take a wider look at what is and has been going in in this community for years. People have been coming together and doing collaborative recordings, long before I arrived here in 2014. And the process continues today. It does not need a label. There is a specific repository for these recordings in the Community Recordings category.

This could be just two people getting together and bring their tracks together or a whole gang of folks for instance when the Kookaburra crew used to get together to create a Christmas song.

Additional many folk create multi track projects and learn the art of mixing. Those just starting out ask for advice and are given the support and guidance they need to get their projects off the ground.

So its happening right here right now and has been since the original forum was started.

My 2 cents.


@TheMadman_tobyjenner : I have totally seen you as the mastermind and in the control seat, when it comes to mixing and such technical stuff, in the Justin Guitar Community World Band, That make an extra ordinary CD, which shows how fun it is to play guitar and have Justin and Team as teachers :wink: You even helped me in this direction :wink: Maybe it even can collect some funds somehow, directly or indirectly. :wink: Many ways it could take. Endless options. Fantasy kind of is the limit. A world wide team working together making complete songs. Just ideas. No one would know what it could turn into. But if you don’t allow your crop to sprout, you will not have any food for winter. - Unknown Danish Farmer saying. :sunglasses: :pray:

If you want to raise funds for Justin, @stitch and @jkahn both advise the best way to do this. I have no desire to monetise any music I create. Its purely for my own pleasure.

You missed the point of my post, collaboration is here now and has always been No labels required, no special treatment or team, no world band. It is something that is a natural organic part of this Community.


The word and point you have missed, the crucial point: “Brewing”
That is normal when musicians come together.
Not only in music and share what they know etc. But also different topics and ideas.
We are all part of the musical universe, with so much different expressions in our choice of melodies we play and lyrics we sing. We also always have our own expression with us at all time. Even when many people do the same piece.
Maybe it’s just because I am composer and do poems, carve in wood, so are having a different view on many things. New things and changes and such can be scary at times. I have that with some other things, like mobile phone and tv. :wink: Still not finding it that fancy or smart :joy: :joy: :joy:

PS. Topic was what can be done, not what can’t be done. - There is some Shakespeare about it, isn’t there? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :joy: :joy: :joy: William Shakespeare Biography - Very interesting, for some various reasons.

The bottom line as I see it is that if Justin needs any voluntary support I’m sure he will ask the community and he won’t be short of offers. The best way to provide support apart from purchases and donations is to spread the word of JustinGuitar, provide feedback on the website and lessons (including anything that you would really like to see added in the future), and to help answer any questions raised on the forum etc.


When working together like that, it is possible to forget to ask. Ideas can come from workshops, among the team, which some people like and some not so much etc etc etc. That’s how it always have been. Sometimes you are too busy doing stuff, that there is no much room for creative ideas ideas, produce the resources fast enough, which have already been planned, etc etc etc or what ever endless of reasons it could be. There are also people who welcome ideas. Ever thought about that? In this forum there is something cool for every one. Some stuff some prefer not. But new ideas are not dangerous :wink: Aren’t you happy for the big variety in music??? :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

There are endless options and directions and combinations things like this could form. It is people from all over the world and all genre present. It is seriously cool. So many more options open up. We are some people who are retired and have time, interest etc etc, or for what ever other reason and in what ever way, form and shape it might be, are willing to help in this kind of way or what ever way it could benefit. . :sunglasses: :pray:

To Be or Not to Be ---- Shakespeare - Now we can say - Can’t or can be done - :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
We should compose a song about it, :wink: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Justin gives almost every lessons away for free.
The lessons behind a pay wall are worth it as well.
It is a business and there are a lot of courses online behind a pay wall and you don’t find anything what is as good as Justin guitar for free.

A raffle like he did with the guitar is probably the best way to earn money.


Hey here is one for you which is super easy and definitely appreciated by JG team - they are always looking for volunteers to translate Justin lessons to users’ mother tongue, I am sure not that many lessons have so far been translated to Dannish? :slight_smile: I have done lots of translations in the past and regretfully lately I just don’t have much time to do it anymore :frowning: but I think this would be a big help for JG team if you are up for it :wink:


Thanks for giving a shout out to the translations Adi - and your efforts over the years.
The team decided not to widen the number of languages for translations beyond those already running, and sadly Danish is not among them.