How to make songs your own?

AND if what you are altering is pleasing to listen to!

give it a grunge vibe or maybe thrash metal with Cookie Monster vocals? I might listen to that version. :upside_down_face:

What’s wrong with that number??? I think it sounds good…

Leaving on a jet plane


did I say punk? NO!

(ok I was :rofl: on that. nice find!)

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:rofl: :nerd_face: :laughing: No no no, Rogier, that’s even more cheerful than the original :grin:

Listen to the lyrics… It’s so sad.

@sequences Don’t know how good I am at channeling my inner cookie monster… :cookie:

I was serious though… I “feel” that the song is sad… and I thought it could be an interesting challenge trying to express this sadness. How that could be done, I don’t know yet … Power chords, once I finally will have learned them? Some weird high gain setting? Different tuning? No idea yet… But it will be another interesting side project, hopefully, in addition to starting the regular Grade 2 stuff soon…


Live your best life. :slight_smile:

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I would say people “make songs their own” from the moment they pick up a guitar. If you’re doing one strum per bar to a popular song, it’s playing it differently.

And a single guitar version of a multi track record is always going to be different.

Learning something the way it is supposed to be played is a great way to get better at guitar. So I reckon, make sure you do that.

But when you’re covering a song, do it how you want to. There are no rules. If it sounds good, it is good. Opposite also true, so use your ears.


I got that far and my mind was full of Dark Denver lyric rewrites, for which I blame Denis Leary and Granola ! :rofl:

My 2 cents….

One of the very first songs I ever learned years ago was Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl, but my playing ability wasn’t up to being able to play it at speed. Also, I couldn’t sing along with the original. I was into fingerstyle too.
So, I played a very slow fingerstyle version with the capo at the 2nd fret so I could sing it.
Now, I have the ability to strum it at the speed of the original but find that I’m more into embellishments & a Travis picking version. I still love Van’s version but it’s not “mine”.
Occasionally, you’ll hear a re-release of a song by the Original Artist but with a different arrangement from the popular version that is cooler than the song was when it was a chart-topper! I love that - my wife & I saw Don Henley in concert several years ago & he did a version of Hotel California that had 2 trombones & a saxophone playing the guitar solo instead of a guitar… it really ROCKED!!!
Point is, go for YOUR VIBE… tempo, instrumental, re-write lyrics… whatever you like! It’s your hard work that counts so make the return YOURS too!
Ok, rant over……… :crazy_face:



Both. :slight_smile:

With some songs, more like pub songs and such, I do them as close to the original as I can so the pub patrons singing along can know what to expect.

With a lot of songs, I just don’t worry about how close I am to the original. I’ve heard many arguments (tiring) about whether a particular cover was like the original or not. Who cares. There’s a separate thread on covers re-imagined.

More important is you play the songs the way you want them played, don’t worry about the Justin approach or not, it’s all just suggestions and as Justin often says, there are no rules.


I you weren’t able to attend my Live Clubs earlier, check out the resource material I made. It will be, at least, an interesting read for you.

Building repertoire

Making songs your own


Sometimes I like the 'modified" version even better as is the case with Man of Constant Sorrow.
The Foggy Bottom Boy’s version:
I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (With Band) (
and the Dwight Yoakum version:
Man of Constant Sorrow (

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Which of these do you consider the “original” version? Man of Constant Sorrow is a traditional American folk song published in 1915 or something like that.

I’m kinda partial to this version:

Interesting viewpoint over here Nicole.
Learning from mistakes (of others - based on seeing a live covers performer)

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Well, I’ve got NO images in my head on how to change any song, so you’re WAY ahead of me! :rofl:

I heard the Foggy Bottom Boys version first in the movie Oh Brother, Where Art Thou so that’s what I was thinking. I didn’t realize it was actually much older


Thanks, Gordon, I will check, sounds super interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

And… Of course @LievenDV thanks for linking the resources.Yes, I had misssed these two clubs. I will have a good look :slightly_smiling_face: .

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I consider to re-do that session some time as “making songs my own” is what brings me a lot of joy and enables me to express myself. I think the ideas are valuable enought to reschedule it some time.

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I would be delighted :slightly_smiling_face:

Shines threw very easily that it brings you joy. I remember one of the Open Mics, where I was in the audience, I think it was the first one even, and you played “English man in New York”. What a joy for me it was listening to you ( … If you are going to say “no, that wasn’t me”… I’ll search a snow pile where I could go to hibernate for some time. I have been working way too much recently, might be that I remember incorrectly).

Looking forward to take a look at the materials in my lunch break today :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah that was me ^^
Englishman In New York is a fun “platform” to experiment on if you want to try something with a jazzier feel without digging to deep into jazz grips etc. It’s normal pattern is a good finger picking exercise and the song as a whole can be a wide range of things: from basic and easy to whatever you can make from it. It has some barre chords though but once again, that is good practice :wink:

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I think this is the biggest question.

There absolutely is no need to “make songs your own” if you don’t want to, and an awful lot of people simply aren’t interested in doing that.

There are, of course, lots of people who do enjoy doing that and, for them, it’s an enjoyable part of making music. But, is it required learning or some sort of essential skill you need. Does it make you a better musician, or somehow “more creative”?

Not at all. Otherwise Justin would have a series on it.

Learning songs is essential. “Making them your own” is an optional thing that some people will have a strong desire to do. And in my experience it’s a fairly small subset of people who want to do this whilst they are still deep in learning other things.

So, ask yourself, is this something you really want to do? And do you want to do it now, or is it something you might consider at a later point when you are more comfortable with your skills and song knowledge?

If the answer to either of these is “no”, then don’t do it. Simples.

And don’t let anyone tell you that you should be doing it. If they are insisting on this, then they are best ignored.

As enthusiastic amateurs, we learn guitar for pleasure. Or that’s what I believe. Learning an instrument is hard enough without feeling pressured to adhere to some other random person’s values or view of what you should or shouldn’t be doing, when those values have nothing actually to do with the process of learning.

On the other hand, if you think it’s something you would enjoy, are interested in trying it, or think it would encourage and support your learning, then go for it.

But do it for you, not for anyone else!

