How to Pick Individual Strings While Strumming Lesson on JustinGuitar

Heehee, Matt, you’ll recognize the song…Pearl Jam (awesome band btw) resurrected this hit from (ahem) 1964! Not that you’ll remember when it was on the radio back in the day. :wink:

@Ontime Jason, thanks for pointing this out!

@jjw John, your taste is right up my alley. I can’t wait to become proficient enough with this technique to play some R.E.M. using it.


Yeah the Cavilears or something like that. They were before I was born.

Pearl jam is amazing, Vedder is last of the 4 big front men from the alt-rock band who hit it big in 1991 who is still alive, It’s hard to belive.

I am still suprised that there are people who dont know them. But I totally understand it. Thats why I am enjoying justins so much, so many different people from different generations amd types of people and different countries and backgrounds. It is very enlightening with so many different prospectives.

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