How To Play The D Chord

@rjdowns @brocantio @MsJocko @Monique55

To improve the D chord formation, and transition to A or E chords (for example), try this:

Start with D …

  • Hold your fingers near to but not touching the strings.
  • Touch the fingers where the chord is but do not press.
  • Once you have all fingers touching at the correct place - make micro adjustments if it looks / feels wrong - then press them down.
  • Do not strum - this is a fretting hand exercise only.
  • Release the pressure after a few seconds but keep touching the strings.
  • Then move your hand away from the strings by a small amount - all fingers away.
  • Repeat the process for one minute.

Choose the other chord …

  • Hold your fingers near to but not touching the strings.
  • Touch the fingers where the chord is but do not press.
  • Once you have all fingers touching at the correct place then press them down.
  • Do not strum - this is a fretting hand exercise only.
  • Release the pressure after a few seconds but keep touching the strings.
  • Then move your hand away from the strings by a small amount. All fingers away.
  • Repeat the process for one minute.

Then, to improve changes to and from the D and E or D and A chords, repeat the above process with one alteration. After the final step of lifting all fingers away, the next move would be over to the chord that you are changing to. Once that chord has been done and fingers are lifted away, go back to the first chord of the pair.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Make this exercise last a few minutes.

1 minute - D alone
1 minute - A alone
1 minute - D and A
1 minute - E alone
1 minute - D and E

Combine this exercise with One Minute Changes and Chord Perfect to give you a variety of drills for improving chord formation and chord changes.

Hope that helps.
Cheers :smiley:
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