How To Strum Without A Pick

Why is this lesson 17 MINUETS long you are kidding me right he literally said there wouldn’t be anything longer then 5 minutes

Hello @SportGuitar15 , and welcome to the forum! Justin takes the time necessary to explain things clearly - that’s not always possible in 5 min, so you will encounter a lot of lessons that are longer than that.

I don’t remember Justin saying that lessons wouldn’t be more than 5 min, and since most are in fact longer, I’m pretty sure my memory serves me right. What he did say, is that it’s a good idea to limit technique exercises to max 5 min each and build practice sessions from those different blocks of max 5min. If you look at the ready made practice sessions Justin provides at the end of each module, you will find that these contain indeed a number of technique exercises of 5 min max and, a 10 min song practice for fun.

Have fun!


Hi Ronnie and welcome to the Community.

Els is quite right in that Justin is referring to recommended practice unit being a maximum of 5 minutes long. That is the time of intense focused practice. I’ve been learning with Justin for over a decade and not once in that time has he commented on the maximum length of a lesson.

You will find many lessons of varying length throughout your guitar journey and lots of additional text information on the website. Study it well and you’ll reap the benefits in time.

Just enjoyed the ride.
