Interesting perspectives from the CEO of Fender

It makes perfect sense for Fender to do guitar lessons. Thereā€™s a lot of things that people can choose to do with their spare time, so being able to say weā€™ll sell this guitar and weā€™ll teach you how to play it puts them ahead of all of the other brands Iā€™d say. We all know that people can be creatures or habit, so if their first guitar is a Fender, then the 2nd, 3rd, 4thā€¦ might well be too.
You can all gripe about Fender Play but I wish thereā€™d been something like it when I first picked up a guitar (it wasnā€™t technologically possible back then but thatā€™s an aside) because I might be a competent guitarist by now rather than starting from scratch again.

Speaking of Fenderā€¦
This is a pretty amazing comercial stunt from them. Lot of guitar herosā€¦

And check out Brad Paislyā€¦. Who would ever know he could rock out like thatā€¦

Check it outā€¦ needs to be played loud :grin:

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Saw Brad Paisley in concert a few years backā€¦ someone in the audience shouted out a request for a (I think it was a Metallica song but donā€™t remember which one) & he didnā€™t play the whole thing but ROCKED OUT a few riffsā€¦ MAN! That boy can PLAY!!!
