Introduction: From Piano to Bass to Guitar

Scott all that I can say is take it easy, don’t make a chore out of learning, it’s inclined to go sour if you do! Learning to play has to be fun and enjoyable with no pressure to achieve sometimes unrealistic goals.
The final thing is that you must learn lots of songs along the way, that way you’ll observe your progress, particularly if you record them and post here for critique, by doing that you’ll also learn how helpful and supportive the community really is!

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Welcome to the forum Scott. Lots of good advice by the looks of things but you seem to have a knack of picking things up music wise. Good luck with your progress.

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Welcome. I grew up singing, with the radio, with records, in the church choir, in the school and colleges choruses. At one point I could sight read, too, but after college the choral opportunities dried up, so I lost that ability.

I never had much of a chance for learning an instrument for various reasons. Finally bought a guitar at the end of last year and really started learning at the end of January. I have found already being able to sing the song has helped with learning the guitar part. So I’d say you are definitely off to a good start on your guitar journey!

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