Jeff's Learning Log

OK updating my learning log again. I think I am going to be finished with Grade 2 consolidation this weekend. I will have 84 practice sessions in. Using the CCR song as an example, I feel my F-barre changes are ok, not perfect every single time but ok. My strumming hand is staying pretty consistent also I think. I have worked on my goals for 3 solid months and getting a little bored so I think I will move on to Grade 3…or should I?

There is certainly progress comparing at the first CCR video above to this one. Is it good enough to pass Grade 2? Also included is Hallelujah as it has plenty of F chord changes. I haven’t practiced it too much but it is another example of my current playing…

From one lefty beginner to another I think your doing great! :smiley: I myself have trouble with the F chord. You will get there. Sometimes I just barely get it and then other times I miss completely.

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I appreciate the complement! We lefties have to stick together… although I was a former righty :grinning:

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You are making good progress, Jeff, I see the improvement from CCR 2 to 3. And one can see the results of the work on that song compared to Hallelujah with less practice time on it.

I think, and this is just my opinion, that by the end of grade 2, you could be playing songs that use grade 1 chords without the support of the App. Perhaps as an interim step playing along with just a metronome or basic drum backing.

I think this illustrates that while we move from one lesson to the next, module to module, grade to grade, one continues to play and use all you’ve learned, continuing to improve one’s skill set and abilities as you learn more.

So no reason I can see not to look at grade 3 lessons if you are becoming a little bored with the consolidation. But as you do so, I’d suggest continue to work on your songs. Early in grade 3 Justin will talk about practice routines, things to focus on etc.

Irrespective of whether or not you sing or aspire to ever play guitar around the proverbial camp-fire and have others singing along, I think the aim as one goes into grade 3 would be to continue to develop to the point that you could play a few songs, unaccompanied by App or metronome, that could accompy singing (your own or others).

Of course in saying that, one may have other guitar aspirations for which that is less relevant, for example playing finger-style instrumental or being a rhythm player in a band. Then maybe you’d adjust that to be appropriate. For example, perhaps playing rhythm guitar over original backing tracks that are just the drums, bass, and keyboard parts. And even for myself who doesn’t aspire to play in a band, I’d benefit from being able to do that, it would improve ply solo playing and singing.

Keep on keeping on, always onward.

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I really appreciate the advice and feedback for things to consider. I agree the app doesn’t really help one integrate songs to memory very well. I have played along with many of the songs using the app’s click option but you still can “cheat” seeing the next chords coming up.

To be honest though I don’t necessarily feel a great need to commit most of these beginner songs to memory. At this point I view them as foundational “exercise” to help develop finger dexterity, chord changes, basic strumming/rhythm, etc.

Funny you mention singing. As a former righty I never sang and played. I think my voice is pretty terrible really for singing in key, etc. I can hear the correct pitch in my head but what comes out of my mouth is very different :thinking:

That said, as a new lefty I have been attempting a bit of singing along with a couple songs but not as serious practice. My wife is a pretty good singer so she uses the app for lyrics as I play along and sing a bit as well.

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Just updating my learning log as it has been several months. Currently working through Grade 3, Module 19. Mt practice routine is:

Finger gym and finger stretching: I have large hands but spreading my fingers very far is still a struggle. Example would be drop D tuning and making an extended bar chord where index finger bars first three bass strings and ring finger 2 frets up on G string and pinky 3 frets up on B string. Hope that makes sense.

Fingerstyle: 4:4 patterns with chord progression of Am, C, Dm, E. Switching C to Dm is a bit rough but getting there. Greensleeves going ok but not consistent with note volume and tempo.

Timing: working on strumming with a 3:4 time signature song with F barre, Am, C, Dm and Gm barre chords. Getting better but still much work to be done.

Technique: Working on John Lennon, Imagine and trying to get the little embellishments between chord changes C to F. The rest of the song is going fine. Also still working on alternate picking Cmaj and Am pentatonic scales, as well as Am legato.

Acoustic Songs: Including a little singing with each one but more trying to develop perfect strumming/timing: Lennon: Imagine, Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here, Alice in Chains: Nutshell, and Puscifer: Oceans

Electric Songs: Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit, Tool: Sober, Black Sabbath: Paranoid. This includes all the lead guitar parts and fills in the songs as well.

This is all keeping me pretty busy and challenged at the moment.

This journey, now 9 months in as a beginner lefty, has been interesting. Playing right handed for over 40 years has been quite hard to contend with. It still feels very awkward to hold and play a left-handed guitar but so natural to hold a right-handed one. My brain is still so confused when I begin to practice. It is getting better but still very awkward.

I am less frustrated with the experience though and feel good about building a much better foundation for guitar playing through Justin’s courses. I was a self-taught righty with a lot of bad habits. I could play a lot of songs just ok and noodle around very well. Now I look forward to really knowing a song and spending whatever time it takes to play it correctly.

I also have some serious GAS for a new lefty electric I am eying :grinning:

Onward we go…


Jeff, I’ve followed your progress from the beginning and listened to your videos. You’ve made great progress. I think it is probably harder to retrain your brain to playing with different hands than to learn playing that way from the beginning. I look forward to seeing and hearing your future videos.

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Wow its been a while since hanging out here. I have been still practicing all this time so I have not given up my lefty conversion journey :slightly_smiling_face:

I am playing mostly electric these days but still work on acoustic to try and maintain skills and songs previously learned.

I still work on things in Grade 4 level but really focus most of my time on learning songs thoroughly, including leads if I am able.

Current songs in progress:

Led Zeppelin: The Rover. I have the song down pretty good but the lead part is going to be a while.

Tool: Lateralus. Complex time signatures, dynamics, and many parts to remember but it is coming along ok.

Well there’s an update :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:


Great to hear from you, Jeff! And glad to hear you’re still making good progress :sunglasses: :+1:

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